Dunlap, Donald 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2025
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1 US AL: LTE: Would Spend MoreWed, 13 Feb 2002
Source:Birmingham Post-Herald (AL) Author:Dunlap, Donald Area:Alabama Lines:27 Added:02/13/2002

Stephen Heath responded to my letter and stated that it is futile to fight the war on drugs. I must assume he proposes the legalization of drugs. We have a problem with alcoholism today, which is costing the public huge sums of money and lives. Legalized drugs will make that problem look like nothing. Drugs are like fire ants. To eliminate them you must wipe out the nest where ever they are or they will soon take over your property or your nation.

If we listen to Heath, we will be spending far more on the victims of legalized drugs than we are today fighting drugs.



2 US AL: LTE: BlackmailingFri, 25 Jan 2002
Source:Birmingham Post-Herald (AL) Author:Dunlap, Donald Area:Alabama Lines:39 Added:01/27/2002

We free Afghanistan from the Taliban and what do the farmers begin to grow. Opium poppies. The farmers don't care to grow wheat because they get 30 times the amount for the drug crop. The Afghan farmers are blackmailing the world. They tell America and other nations, pay us and we will not grow opium poppies. So we pay them this year and next year they will renew the threat.

The other side of this situation is we are told that millions are starving in Afghanistan and American children should collect money to feed them. The farmers don't appear to care about feeding their people, they are driven by the big money from the drug crop.

[continues 96 words]

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