Mathis, Jo 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1 US CA: Column: Is America Ready For Medical Marijuana?Mon, 23 Mar 2015
Source:Appeal-Democrat (Marysville, CA) Author:Mathis, Joel Area:California Lines:114 Added:03/23/2015

A bipartisan trio of U.S. senators, New Jersey's Cory Booker, New York's Kirsten Gillibrand and Kentucky's Rand Paul, are sponsoring a bill to classify marijuana as a Schedule II drug, meaning the federal government would allow it to be used as medicine.

Some critics worry that such a bill could become a "gateway law" to full legalization of recreational weed; defenders say sick patients need the pain relief best provided by marijuana.

Should the bill get approval? Joel Mathis and Ben Boychuk, the RedBlueAmerica columnists, debate the issue.

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2 US HI: Column: Is America Ready For Medical Pot?Sun, 22 Mar 2015
Source:Honolulu Star-Advertiser (HI) Author:Mathis, Joel Area:Hawaii Lines:88 Added:03/22/2015

A bipartisan trio of U.S. senators - New Jersey's Cory Booker, New York's Kirsten Gillibrand and Kentucky's Rand Paul - are sponsoring a bill to classify marijuana as a Schedule II drug, meaning the federal government would allow it be used as medicine.

Some critics worry that such a bill could become a "gateway law" to full legalization of recreational weed; defenders say sick patients need the pain relief best provided by marijuana.

Should the bill get approval? Joel Mathis and Ben Boychuk, the RedBlueAmerica columnists, debate the issue.

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3US MI: A Day to Celebrate at the Annual Hash BashSun, 05 Apr 2009
Source:Ann Arbor News (MI) Author:Mathis, Jo Area:Michigan Lines:Excerpt Added:04/05/2009

Some aspects of the 38th annual Ann Arbor Hash Bash were the same old, same old.

The event started with about 200 passionate people protesting marijuana laws at the Federal Building. The crowd then carried signs and marched to the University of Michigan Diag, where an estimated 1,500 people braced the wind to listen to speeches. Then they moved on to a street party with information booths and music.

But this year, supporters of the fight to end the drug war and legalize pot had a reason to celebrate.

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4US MI: Event Coincides With New LawWed, 01 Apr 2009
Source:Ann Arbor News (MI) Author:Mathis, Jo Area:Michigan Lines:Excerpt Added:04/02/2009

Those attending the 38th annual Ann Arbor Hash Bash Saturday will likely be in a celebratory mood, organizers say, because the event lands on the day Michigan's medical marijuana law goes into effect.

"The Hash Bash started as a smoke-in, and really is a smoke-in," said Adam Brook of Detroit, who will serve as emcee for the 19th time. "However, speakers take on current political question of the day. This year, it's medical marijuana."

The law was passed by voters with 63 percent of the vote last November, and Michigan Department of Community Health offices will be open to accept applications of Monday.

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5 US KS: Picket Signs & Moral LinesSun, 19 Dec 2004
Source:Lawrence Journal-World (KS) Author:Mathis, Joel Area:Kansas Lines:148 Added:12/19/2004

Pot advocates part of Lawrence's long tradition of dissent

Here's what one corner of downtown Lawrence sounded like last Sunday afternoon:

"Honk. Honkhonkhonk. Hoooooooooonk."

As drivers leaned on their car horns, Mark Creamer and Thomas Trower stood at the intersection of 11th and Massachusetts streets, "Honk for Hemp" signs in hand, a little Christmas tree apparently made of pot leaves propped up on the trash bin behind them.

"We'd like to see medical marijuana legalized, we'd like to see hemp for fiber and clothes legalized and we would like to see marijuana be legalized," Creamer said, explaining why he has spent nearly 15 years of his life demonstrating weekends on Massachusetts street.

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6US MI: Hash Bashers Know Where the Line IsSun, 04 Apr 2004
Source:Ann Arbor News (MI) Author:Mathis, Jo Collins Area:Michigan Lines:Excerpt Added:04/04/2004

Those Attending Hold Off on Lighting Up While on U-M Campus

When Mimi Broz drove up from Ohio for Saturday's 33rd annual Ann Arbor Hash Bash, she came prepared. She brought a drum to beat while shouting, "Pot is an herb! Bush is a dope!" She wore her Hash Bash hat loaded with politically progressive pins. And she brought a marijuana cigarette hidden inside a pack of Pall Malls.

But the joint was not smoked before its time.

Asked if she was going to light up on the University of Michigan Diag, the 39-year-old activist said: "On campus? No, I'm not an idiot. In the city? Maybe."

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7 US KS: Drug Informant's Tab Includes Payment For Rent, BeerThu, 11 Apr 2002
Source:Lawrence Journal-World (KS) Author:Mathis, Joel Area:Kansas Lines:81 Added:04/11/2002

Douglas County investigators paid a drug informant's rent, helped him buy birdhouse supplies and a six-pack of beer, according to documents unveiled Wednesday by a Lawrence attorney.

But what has attorney John Frydman angry is that testimony from the informant, Justo Culian, helped keep Frydman's client Lee Sanders in jail for three months that Sanders could have been free. Prosecutors on Monday dismissed aggravated kidnapping charges against Sanders.

Frydman, who has practiced here 17 years, said it was the first time he has seen proof that Douglas County investigators pay informants.

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