Weismiller, Bryan 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1 CN AB: Tests For Drugged Drivers Decline With Fewer SpeciallyThu, 10 Jul 2014
Source:Metro (Calgary, CN AB) Author:Weismiller, Bryan Area:Alberta Lines:65 Added:07/12/2014

DRE: In 2014, Just Three Evaluations Have Been Done on Drivers Suspected of Being High Behind the Wheel

Fewer suspected high drivers are being tested as Calgary's team of drug-recognition experts continues to be plagued by attrition.

In 2014, only three evaluations have been done on motorists suspected of sitting high behind the wheel.

That's down from a total of 11 completed tests last year and 23 in 2012.

The dip in the drug-impairment tests comes as the number of DRE agents has fallen to five from 20 over the same span - one more than the Red Deer Mounties, who patrol a much smaller population.

[continues 267 words]

2CN AB: Free Crack Pipe Service Discontinued In CalgarySat, 20 Aug 2011
Source:Calgary Herald (CN AB) Author:Weismiller, Bryan Area:Alberta Lines:Excerpt Added:08/23/2011

A decision to stop a program distributing clean crack pipes has disappointed those working to rehabilitate street addicts.

Since 2008, Alberta Health Services had been giving out crack pipe kits as part of its Safeworks program, an effort to reduce transmittable diseases.

The kits contained a glass pipe, mouthpiece and cleaning tool, and were handed out in an AHS van. Over 14,500 crack pipes were given out as of June.

However, AHS has discontinued the Safeworks crack pipe program as of Tuesday, citing the =93potential for a legal challenge with respect to distribution.=94

[continues 373 words]

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