Ronald Fraser’s article last week was misleading. Georgia is nowhere close to protecting medical marijuana users or legalizing pot. In 2008, the Georgia General Assembly made anti-marijuana “reefer madness” into state law. The Georgia Code, Section 16-13-30.6, states that marijuana is a dangerous gateway drug that causes “many negative health effects” “respiratory problems” “lower test scores” and problems on the job. The only way for a medical marijuana bill to get off the ground in Georgia would be passage of a state law. Our current legislature is not going to do it. [continues 200 words]
To the editor: The meth epidemic is not a crime wave. It's a social disease as easily communicated as the flu, and much more dangerous. It mainly attracts the poor white people of our community which is why it's received so little political attention before now. Before we can begin to stop it we must first consider the fundamental differences in this drug problem and the cocaine, crack, heroin, amphetamine scourge that has plagued our great country for 40 years. [continues 260 words]