Dennis, Steve 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1 US: Obama Closer To Backing Legal Pot, But With CaveatsTue, 17 Mar 2015
Source:Seattle Times (WA) Author:Dennis, Steven Area:United States Lines:53 Added:03/17/2015

WASHINGTON - President Obama appeared to come closer than ever to endorsing legal marijuana in an interview posted Monday by VICE News.

Obama, asked about the popularity of legalizing marijuana among young people, appeared initially unenthusiastic.

"Young people, I understand this is important to you, but you should be thinking about climate change, the economy, jobs, war and peace. Maybe way at the bottom you should be thinking about marijuana."

But he said, as he did in a YouTube interview earlier this year, that incarcerating nonviolent drug offenders has devastated communities, particularly those "of color."

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2 US MD: Medical Marijuana, Child Seat, Breastfeeding Laws TakeThu, 02 Oct 2003
Source:Frederick News Post (MD) Author:Dennis, Steven T. Area:Maryland Lines:34 Added:10/03/2003

ANNAPOLIS -- Medical marijuana smokers can breathe a little easier. Parents have to put their children in booster seats at least until they turn 6. And breastfeeding moms no longer have to skulk to a bathroom stall to feed their babies.

Those were a few of the nearly 300 new Maryland laws that took effect Wednesday.

Under the new medical marijuana law, smoking a joint is still a crime, but if a defendant can prove to a judge that they had a medical necessity to smoke the weed, the maximum penalty is a $100 fine. Critics of the law say it will encourage illegal drug use. But backers say that marijuana can relieve nausea and pain, and that it makes no sense to arrest cancer patients or those with chronic illnesses who are trying to alleviate their suffering.

Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. (R) signed the law and long has backed legalization of medical marijuana, setting him apart from the national Republican Party and the Bush administration, which lobbied hard for a veto.


3 US MD: Ehrlich Will Support Medical MarijuanaWed, 22 Jan 2003
Source:Montgomery Gazette (MD) Author:Dennis, Steven T. Area:Maryland Lines:88 Added:01/24/2003

Legislators Drafting A Variety Of Bills

ANNAPOLIS -- Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. (R) said he will sign legislation to legalize medical marijuana, giving new hope to advocates who say the drug can help relieve nausea from chemotherapy and other debilitating conditions. Ehrlich said Thursday that he has long supported legalizing marijuana use for medicinal purposes, and that "if the bill makes sense," he would sign it into law. With last year's chief medical marijuana advocate now out of the legislature, a doctor, a nurse and a cancer survivor are among the lawmakers drafting marijuana bills. Del. Dan K. Morhaim (D-Dist. 11) of Owings Mills, a physician, wants to allow doctors to prescribe marijuana under strict controls.

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4 US MD: Governor Will Back Medical MarijuanaFri, 17 Jan 2003
Source:Montgomery Gazette (MD) Author:Dennis, Steven T. Area:Maryland Lines:120 Added:01/18/2003

ANNAPOLIS -- Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. (R) said Thursday that he would sign legislation to legalize medical marijuana, giving new hope to advocates who say the drug can help relieve nausea from chemotherapy and other debilitating conditions.

At an unscheduled news conference on his first foray into the governor's State House offices, Ehrlich pointed out that he has long supported legalizing marijuana use for medicinal purposes, and said that "if the bill makes sense," he would sign it into law.

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5 UK: Dope-Smoking Teacher SuspendedThu, 21 Mar 2002
Source:Mirror, The (UK) Author:Dennis, Steve Area:United Kingdom Lines:41 Added:03/20/2002

A POT-smoking teacher nicknamed Mr Spliffy has been suspended for allegedly encouraging children to use the drug.

Private school biology tutor Trevor Andrews, 46, was also arrested and cautioned for growing cannabis at his home.

Three weeks ago four pupils were expelled and 18 suspended from his school after a dope probe. Yesterday, roll-up puffing Mr Andrews said: "I'm not promoting pot, but nor am I discouraging it. The school message is that cannabis is bad. That's wrong. Children need both sides of the argument."

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