Wedel, Steve 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1 US OK: Busting Meth Labs Mixed Blessing For AreaFri, 03 Mar 2000
Source:Oklahoman, The (OK) Author:Wedel, Steve Area:Oklahoma Lines:108 Added:03/03/2000

MOORE -- When police officers recently discovered two methamphetamine labs in different homes, Moore became the second highest ranking city in the metro for meth lab busts.

"I think we've had six so far," said Moore police spokesman Sgt. Scott Singer. "I'm not sure because there are other agencies involved, but I think that's what we have so far."

Those other agencies include the Cleveland County Drug Task Force and the Norman Special Operations Unit -- organizations with special training related to the handling and dismantling of the potentially explosive methamphetamine labs.

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