Clendenning, Alan 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1 Brazil: Thousands Decry U.S. 'Neoliberalism'Tue, 28 Jan 2003
Source:Seattle Times (WA) Author:Clendenning, Alan Area:Brazil Lines:55 Added:01/28/2003

PORTO ALEGRE, Brazil - Leonilda Zurita railed against the U.S. yesterday for backing Bolivia's efforts to curb cultivation of the coca plant - the source of cocaine but also chewed by poor Bolivians to ease hunger.

Zurita, a Quecha Indian who was handing coca leaves to anyone who approached her, was among thousands of anti-globalization activists at the third World Social Forum, a counterpoint to the concurrent World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

Though they came from around the world, the activists were united in their anger at what they call "neoliberalism," or the perceived U.S. control over the world through free-market economics, liberal trade and the breakdown of national borders.

[continues 237 words]

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