Chapman, Christina 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2025
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1 US IL: That's Not Your Normal PotpourriTue, 24 May 2011
Source:Morris Daily Herald (IL) Author:Chapman, Christina Area:Illinois Lines:136 Added:05/24/2011

Synthetic drugs being marketed under names such as "White Dove bath salts" and "Mister Nice Guy potpourri" may not have been the cause of death in any cases yet in Grundy County, but they have contributed to the loss of life.

"My concern is it may not be the immediate cause of death, but it can be the cause of the incident ending up in death," Grundy County Coroner John Callahan said. Being under the influence of a substance causes delayed reactions and bad decision making.

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2 US IL: Coroner: Laced Heroin Is DeadlyWed, 30 Aug 2006
Source:Herald News (IL) Author:Chapman, Christina Area:Illinois Lines:84 Added:09/02/2006

MORRIS -- The Grundy County coroner's office now will test all heroin-related deaths for fentanyl due to an increase in the combination of the drugs in the county.

"Now it's been in the area for sometime, but the coroner's office has not been involved before," said Coroner John Callahan at a press conference Tuesday. "We want people to know the dangers."

In a week, there have been two county deaths related to heroin overdoses. Michael McGovern, 19, of Seneca died Saturday morning of a heroin overdose, which is still under investigation by Morris and Seneca police. On Aug. 19, a Morris man, Edward Neikirk, 44, also died of an overdose.

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