There are all kinds of ways that you can avoid becoming the victim of a violent crime. For example, don't borrow money from a loan shark. Don't pick up a prostitute. Don't walk through a bad neighborhood draped in diamond jewelry. Don't stiff a bookmaker. Don't leave the keys in your car. Don't get mixed up with people who sell drugs. But don't take my word for it. If David Steeves could, he'd tell you himself. [continues 791 words]
If your teenagers are suddenly spending time in West suburban Darien, it may not be for story time at the Indian Prairie Public library. Some residents must have been taken aback in the town that has decreed itself "A Nice Place to Live," upon finding out that Darien might also be looked at as a nice place for marijuana smokers to live it up. Simple marijuana possession in Darien is treated like jaywalking or spitting on the sidewalk. Having a joint or two is "punishable" by a ticket and a fine. [continues 481 words]