Churchill, Deborah 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1 CN ON: Police Vow To Stamp Out MuggingsTue, 20 Feb 2001
Source:Hamilton Spectator (CN ON) Author:Churchill, Deborah Area:Ontario Lines:79 Added:02/20/2001

Hamilton Police Chief Ken Robertson says a growing crack cocaine problem in the city's core has led to a surge in muggings and purse snatchings. Robertson described the trend as "disturbing" and for the second time in three years vowed to crack down on the violent street crimes through beefed up police patrols and specialized task forces.

In February 1999, after a rash of what police believed to be crack-related muggings, he told The Spectator he would not let this type of crime flourish in Hamilton.

[continues 510 words]

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