Sierra Times _US Web_ 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1 Canada: Web: What Is It About Dead You Don't Understand?Fri, 12 Dec 2003
Source:Sierra Times (US Web) Author:Cowan, Richard Area:Canada Lines:317 Added:12/12/2003


On Monday we finally learned that the Refugee Protection Division denied the Kubbys the protection of Canada. See

The Kubby case in California was rather complex legally. They were acquittedon all of the marijuana charges on which the search warrant was based, butthe judge nonetheless upheld the validity of the search.

During the search the police claimed to have found an unusably small quantity of psilocybin mushroom and peyote cactus in a canister in a drawerin the guest bedroom. Inasmuch as Steve has written a book on psychedelicsit is plausible but unproven that they belong to him, but here is where isgets weird.

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2 US CA: OPED: Drug War AddictionWed, 07 May 2003
Source:Sierra Times (US Web) Author:Antunez, Emiliano Area:California Lines:145 Added:05/08/2003

Just when you thought it was safe to turn on the boob tube, the Office of National Drug Policy starts a new TV ad campaign. The previous campaign attempted to tie drug use to terrorism. Among the more sinister ads was one where an apparition of a dead girl tells a woman working in an office, "you killed me," implying she died in a terrorist attack due to the woman's "illegal" drug consumption. Using the government's logic, not only are all drug users aiding and abetting terrorist, they're murderers too. The latest ad campaign takes aim at internal dissenters and critics of the drug war. It features two men talking, one of them saying simply to legalize drugs. The response is, "so you want drugs sold to kids on playgrounds.....," to which the original speaker says, "I guess it's not such a good idea." To attempt to discuss the 30+ year drug war in a 30 second snippet is a serious attempt to insult most Americans intelligence.

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