Harris, Tom 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2025
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1 US CA: PUB LTE: The (Drug) Laws of Supply and DemandFri, 27 Nov 2015
Source:Orange County Register, The (CA) Author:Harris, Tom Area:California Lines:30 Added:11/27/2015

Re: "Beat officers: Prop. 47 boosts crime" [Front page, Nov. 21]: I was not surprised to see David Whiting speak against Prop. 47. However, he fails to acknowledge that our "war on drugs" increases crime rates by turning thousands of law-abiding people into felons. Anybody can go to prison by possessing certain drugs for personal use, or possessing them without a prescription. Economics 101 teaches us that when supply goes down, the price goes up. Our strict drug laws mean huge profits for those willing to produce or distribute drugs. And the users must come up with lots of money to buy them. Crime and money always go hand in hand!

If Mr. Whiting really wants to see a decrease in crime, he would stop advocating more drug regulations and start asking for less.

Tom Harris



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