Melby, Ernest 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1 US MN: PUB LTE: (1 of 2) Money Interests Keep Futile War OnSat, 08 Jan 2000
Source:Saint Paul Pioneer Press (MN) Author:Melby, Ernest Area:Minnesota Lines:31 Added:01/09/2000

New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson is right about making drugs legal. We have spent billions trying to eliminate these substances with no success. Now many people would like to add tobacco to the list. I don't expect drugs to be legalized and controlled, not because it doesn't make sense, but because the present system has produced a bureaucracy dependent on drugs to exist.

I also don't believe most antismoking organizations would want people to quit smoking, nor antialcohol organizations want people to quit drinking Their purpose and financial benefit depends on the continuation of these activities.

Health might have been the initial purpose for laws and their enforcement. I think this reason has long since been discarded for a new purpose which is money.

Ernest Melby Roseville


2 US MN: PUB LTE: Money Interests Keep Futile War On Drugs AliveSat, 08 Jan 2000
Source:Saint Paul Pioneer Press (MN) Author:Melby, Ernest Area:Minnesota Lines:25 Added:01/08/2000

I also don't believe most antismoking organizations would want people to quit smoking, nor antialcohol organizations want people to quit drinking Their purpose and financial benefit depends on the continuation of these activities.

Health might have been the initial purpose for laws and their enforcement. I think this reason has long since been discarded for a new purpose which is money.

Ernest Melby Roseville


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