Moody, Norman 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1US FL: Marijuana Advocates Regroup Following DefeatFri, 07 Nov 2014
Source:Florida Today (Melbourne, FL) Author:Moody, Norman Area:Florida Lines:Excerpt Added:11/11/2014

Advocates of medical marijuana likely will regroup to continue the fight following its defeat in its first battle at the ballot box in Florida.

If they do, opponents no doubt will stand against it and communities, like Cocoa Beach will attempt to regulate it.

"I'm happy that it was defeated," said J.D. Collner of Cocoa. "It was a close call. It was not going to be a good thing for Florida."

The measure, Amendment 2, failed to reach the needed 60 percent of the votes. The yes votes was 58 percent to 42 percent for rejection.

[continues 376 words]

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