Lunsford, Rev Jim 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2025
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1 CN AB: PUB LTE: Wising Up On MethWed, 07 Sep 2005
Source:Nanton News (CN AB) Author:Lunsford, Rev Jim Area:Alberta Lines:41 Added:09/10/2005

The recent editorial by Ian Watson indicated that he wanted stiffer penalties for meth offenses to halt the spread. May I remind him that our jails are one of the largest sectors of the American economy as a result of just that type of thinking. In America, where we ban what we don't want to think about, we have demonstrated all of the effects of such a mandatory sentencing policy. And yet, we use the drugs heavily, mostly because people seem to enjoy using drugs. Most of this drug problem is that the drugs are not legal. By prohibiting them, they become even more desirable. And, the addiction rate to meth is about the same as it always has been. Low. Yet, the crime rate due to prohibition is extremely high. It seems that the biggest benefit to drug prohibition is the legal industry.

[continues 126 words]

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