Buturo, Nsaba 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1 Uganda: Our Morals Reveal A Big National ProblemMon, 29 Dec 2008
Source:New Vision (Uganda) Author:Buturo, Nsaba Area:Uganda Lines:126 Added:12/30/2008

UGANDA deserves a social audit for the year 2008. For the first time in her history, the ugly side of human behaviour reared its ugly face on the conscience of Ugandans as never before. Attempts to dress this ugly face in popular catch phrases such as human rights and freedom were made by advocates of immorality with some degree of success.

Promoters of homosexuality, pornography and witchcraft, etc. were on the offensive seeking to market their philosophies contrary to tenets of Uganda's laws as well as nature. The venom of embezzlement, poor time management and drug abuse, too, had their toll on public service.

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