Police Launch Ecstasy Awareness Initiative For Parents The RCMP's Drug and Organized Crime Awareness Service (DOCAS) recently launched Project E-Aware, which is designed to increase awareness of the harmful effects of ecstasy. E-Aware is a new website designed to provide factual information to help parents inform themselves of the dangers of the popular street drug. "Despite what many believe, ecstasy is far from being a safe or recreational drug. This illicit drug is made with a number of toxic chemicals and can be lethal," said Insp. Dan Quirion, the officer in charge of the DOCAS program. "There is no quality control, no dosage control and there is no safe amount to take." [continues 390 words]
To The Airdrie RCMP's DARE Program. We are commending the Airdrie RCMPfor implementing the DAREprogram in local schools, to help prevent student drug use from getting out of hand. Ecstasy abuse and the trafficking of 'E' is on the rise, posing serious social concerns. Once confined to major metropolitan areas, 'E' trafficking has now expanded to smaller communities. Airdrie has experienced this first hand when a teenager overdosed on the drug in May. The DARE curriculum is designed to be taught by police officers whose training and experience gives them the background needed to answer the sophisticated questions often posed by young students about drugs and crime. DARE goes beyond traditional drug abuse and violence prevention programs. It gives children the skills needed to recognize and resist the subtle and overt pressures that cause them to experiment with drugs or become involved in gangs or violent activities. [continues 119 words]
Hard-working Canadians in our constituency, focusing on the challenges their families face during the global economic crisis, have been distracted by recent examples of extreme gang violence in British Columbia. This has come as a stark reminder that the safety of our communities requires constant vigilance. During my years serving as an Official Opposition critic for the Justice, Public Safety and Solicitor General portfolios, I asked many questions in the House of Commons and in committees about the lax attitude of the Liberals that, over more than a decade, allowed Canada's justice system to decline. Police forces were underfunded. Laws and punishments were outdated and did not fit the crimes being committed. [continues 441 words]
I do not believe that we can't win the war against gang violence. All we need is the will to do so. I am getting sick and tired of seeing the almost daily shootings in this province. While the problems may mostly be taking place in the cities, we ruralites are far from immune. Gang members seem to prowl our communities at their will, thumbing their noses at conventional society and doing just as they damn well please. I am fed up. Most of the current crop of hoodlums are simply people without conscience, without any sort of respect for anyone or anything. Mean, criminals that need to be in jail, period. Or, gasp - if they are immigrants, deported as undesirable citizens. [continues 336 words]
Dear Editor: Cannabis (kaneh bosm/marijuana) should immediately be re-legalized, its cultivation regulated and government should be stopped from taking children hostage (Children Removed From Residential Grow Op, Apr. 8, 2008) for growing the relatively safe God-given plant cannabis. Plant, as in Christ God Our Father, The Ecologician indicates he created all the seed-bearing plants, saying they are all good, on literally the very first page of the Bible. Truthfully, Stan White, Dillon, Colorado [end]
Four children aged eight to 15, who lived in a Chestermere home where a marijuana grow-operation was discovered, were seized by emergency personnel last Wednesday. At this time the children are with Strathmore Children Services as part of the Drug Endangered Children Act, said Chestermere RCMP Const. Sara McLaughlin. A search warrant was executed at a Springmere area residence by the Chestermere RCMP, assisted by the Southern Alberta Marijuana Investigation Team, Strathmore Family and Child Services and Alberta Environmental Protection on April 2. [continues 197 words]
Dear Editor: Now that the same sex marriage issue has been settled (more or less), the Liberals will probably want to push forward with their alternative penalty legislation regarding marijuana, or as they keep erroneously calling it "decriminalization". The problems with this new legislation are many. The fact that the proposed fines are lower for youths than for adults suggests that the Liberals think that it is okay for kids to use pot. Most Canadians think that cannabis should be regulated so that it's use is restricted to adults. Legalization and regulation would accomplish that, the Liberal's proposed legislation would actually make it EASIER for kids to access cannabis. [continues 405 words]
Chestermere residents are going to start having a higher police presence in their community, thanks to a municipal agreement signed between the Town and the RCMP. The Chestermere RCMP has branched out on their own and have officially become their own identity, after working under the umbrella of the Strathmore RCMP detachment for a number of years. The Town of Chestermere has entered into a municipal agreement with the RCMP, to provide full police protection exclusively to the Town. Prior to this agreement Chestermere residents were still receiving their police service from the RCMP, but the local detachment was only a satellite office, meaning that police officers weren't spending all of their time in the Town, as they were sharing their officers with Strathmore. [continues 806 words]
A tip from an alert real estate agent has led to what is believed to be Alberta's largest methamphetamine lab being shut down, where over 20 pounds of the toxic substance was seized and taken off the street. Didsbury RCMP was contacted by a Sundre-based realtor, who then conducted an investigation and once they felt they had enough grounds to move in they obtained a search warrant and uncovered the large drug operation. According to Edmonton based RCMP Cst. Al Fraser with the RCMP's media relations department, methamphetamine is considered to be one of the most highly addictive drugs that is out there, as well as probably the most dangerous for one to take into their body. [continues 1376 words]