Davie, Rik 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1 CN ON: Officers Battered And Disheartened Over OPP InvestigationMon, 12 Jul 2004
Source:Port Perry Star (CN ON) Author:Davie, Rik Area:Ontario Lines:186 Added:07/13/2004

The 19 month long OPP investigation into the Durham Regional Police Service's Drug Enforcement Unit (DEU) has left the former members of the 12-man elite anti-drug squad battered and disheartened according to sources within the police service.

The battle that had been, until recently, a quiet one within the walls of the Durham Regional Police, has now spilled out into the public domain as one veteran officer now faces discipline charges and others are going public with their concerns.

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2 CN ON: Durham DEU Accussed of Wrong DoingFri, 20 Feb 2004
Source:Port Perry Star (CN ON) Author:Davie, Rik Area:Ontario Lines:105 Added:02/24/2004

Three of Durham's most highly decorated police officers are under suspension after they refused to take part in videotaped interviews as part of a 12 month investigation into allegations of wrong doing on Durham's highly successful Drug Enforcement Unit (DEU).

On Tuesday (Feb. 17) Corporate spokesperson for the DRPS, Dave Selby, confirmed what sources close to the case had told The Star earlier in the week.... that three officers had, after legal consultation, declined to be interviewed by OPP investigators.

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3 CN ON: Taking Race Against Drugs Into ClassroomsTue, 02 Dec 2003
Source:Port Perry Star (CN ON) Author:Davie, Rik Area:Ontario Lines:92 Added:12/08/2003

Probably one of the most formative moments in a child's life comes with their very first encounter with a police officer.

The moment of that encounter can direct how that child will think of police as a whole for the rest of their lives. Constable Dan Courtney is looking to make that encounter a positive one and he may just show up at your child's school driving a race car to prove it.

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4 CN ON: North Durham Police Back To Laying Marijuana PossessionWed, 15 Oct 2003
Source:Port Perry Star (CN ON) Author:Davie, Rik Area:Ontario Lines:50 Added:10/20/2003

Marijuana smokers in North Durham need to be aware that they will now be charged for simple possession after a federal court reversed the decision ruling it a non-criminal offense.

Durham Regional Police spokesperson, Dave Selby, told The Star that officers will now follow the letter of the law.

"We have instructed our officers that there is now a basis in law for laying the charges," Mr. Selby said.

Durham officers had stopped laying the charges under the criminal code for possessing marijuana in small quantities for personal use after an Ontario court ruling several months ago that said because of proposed federal legislation it was no longer an offense.

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5 CN ON: Police Unclear On Proposed New Pot LawsFri, 04 Jul 2003
Source:Port Perry Star (CN ON) Author:Davie, J. Rik Area:Ontario Lines:86 Added:07/05/2003

Durham Regional Police officers have some grave concerns about the first summer under proposed new marijuana possession laws.

The federal government recently announced that it will move to make the simple possession of less than 30 grams of marijuana a provincial offense, punishable by fines instead of an arrest and court appearance.

As a result, most police officers are now turning their heads when it comes to finding a small amount of pot.

Inspector Jim Douglass of North Durham's 26 Division told The Star that he can only comment on the policy statement made by senior Durham police officials.

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6 CN ON: Proposed Pot Laws Receive Mixed ReviewsTue, 03 Jun 2003
Source:Port Perry Star (CN ON) Author:Davie, Rik Area:Ontario Lines:66 Added:06/08/2003

A proposed new Canadian marijuana law is getting mixed reviews in Durham Region.

Doug Cavanaugh, president of the 900-member Durham Regional Police Association, says that legislation being planned by Ottawa that will turn simple possession of marijuana into a non-criminal offense are troubling to many of his members.

"I am worried about what kind of a mixed message is going out with this," Mr. Cavanaugh said. "We in the association have always been pretty clear that we are not in favour of this. There are many infrastructure issues to be dealt with, not the least of which is how we handle impaired operation of a motor vehicle where marijuana may be involved."

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7 CN ON: Unanimous Vote To Pay For Drug Dog ServiceTue, 18 Mar 2003
Source:Port Perry Star (CN ON) Author:Davie, Rik Area:Ontario Lines:86 Added:03/23/2003

Durham District School Board trustees have voted to allow the continued use of privately contracted drug detection dogs at a cost of $150 per visit.

The move was taken after questions were raised about why Durham Regional Police drug detection dogs available free of charge, were not being used in all school search situations in Durham Region.

At the request of Whitby Trustee Doug Ross and a majority of trustees at a January DDSB meeting, staff prepared a report for trustees on the use of the privately certified and contracted dogs to search for drugs in Durham schools.

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8 CN ON: Legality Of Drug Dogs In Schools QuestionedFri, 29 Nov 2002
Source:Port Perry Star (CN ON) Author:Davie, Rik Area:Ontario Lines:77 Added:11/29/2002

It appears that Dylan and his friends will soon be kicked out of school -- and he is only six-years-old.

Dylan -- a Springer Spaniel -- is a drug detection dog for the Durham Regional Police Service (DRPS) and, according to officials at the Durham District School Board (DDSB), use of the dogs inside Durham schools could end after recent advice from lawyers.

Bev Freedman, Superintendent for Uxbridge area schools, told The Star that lawyers for the board have advised them that having drug detection dogs search hallways and locker doors for signs of illegal drugs may put the board in the position of "being agents of the police" in any subsequent drug trials.

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