Schapiro, Mark 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1 Drug War On TrialMon, 17 Sep 2001
Source:Nation, The (US) Author:Schapiro, Mark Area:United States Lines:349 Added:09/15/2001

A new counteroffensive has been launched in the drug war: Financiers have begun to retaliate against allegations of money laundering and drug trafficking by suing the messengers. If successful, the suits could hinder future investigations into the G spot of the drug trade, where billions of dollars in illicit profits meet the highest precincts of international finance.

At the heart of the legal assault are a Mexican billionaire and majority owner of a Texas bank, Carlos Hank Rhon, of the powerful Hank family (frequently referred to as the "Mexican Rockefellers"), and Roberto Hernandez, president of Banamex, Mexico's second-largest bank. The suits are being fought out in US courts, pitting scions of the Mexican elite against an American journalist, a scholar and a little-known agency of the US government.

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2 Panama: Web: Panama Wants To Stay Out Of The Drug WarWed, 30 Aug 2000 (US Web) Author:Schapiro, Mark Area:Panama Lines:229 Added:08/31/2000

Fearful Of Walking In The Footsteps Of Thailand During The Vietnam War, Officials In Panama Want To Stay Out Of The U.S. Offensive In Colombia.

Aug. 30, 2000 | PANAMA CITY, PANAMA -- As President Clinton stands in Cartagena Wednesday to formally launch the United States' $1.3 billion anti-narcotics offensive in Colombia, top political figures in neighboring Panama appear to be taking a lesson from history.

"We do not want to become the next Thailand," says Marco Ameglio, chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee of Panama's National Assembly. Ameglio, like others in the Panamanian government, fears that the coming U.S.-funded offensive will drag his country into a war in much the same way that Thailand was dragged into the Vietnam War: as a staging area for U.S. troops and a destination for refugees.

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