Edwards, Charles 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2025
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1 US OH: Edu: PUB LTE: Keeping Marijuana Illegal Is HypocriticalWed, 20 May 2009
Source:Guardian (Wright State U, OH Edu) Author:Edwards, Charles Area:Ohio Lines:61 Added:05/21/2009

The response to the article [editorial] "Finance the Bailout: Legalize Weed" was published on 4-29-2009. The author feels that legalizing marijuana for tax dollars has a larger moral cost to it. The reasons that the author gives for not legalizing marijuana are that marijuana leads to harder drugs, marijuana is a harmful substance, and that there would still be other drugs.

For some people marijuana leads to harder drugs, for others caffeine, alcohol, or prescription medication leads to other drugs.

[continues 289 words]

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