After reading the recent opinion column on the tragedy of teenage drug "mules," I could only shake my head in wonder. The editorial's solution to the problem is to do what we already do, only do more of it. It seems that the editorial staff has been infected by government logic (see "oxymoron.") Recent Justice Department statistics show that the U.S. now incarcerates 2 million people, and more than 6 million are under judicial supervision. That means we lead the world in the per capita rate of imprisonment, and that includes all those dictatorships and communist countries we like to chide for human- rights abuses. [continues 59 words]
If effectiveness is your moral compass, then why not start house to house searches of all citizens by the DEA? Regarding your editorial on using drug-sniffing dogs in schools, your logic is troubling. You state "If the searches are effective, we'd like to see all districts institute them." If effectiveness is your moral compass, then why not start house to house searches of all citizens by the DEA? I'm certain that this would be quite effective in eliminating many drugs. And as for noting the Supreme Court's support for the drug dogs in schools, just a cursory glance at history shows the fallibility of that noble body (support of slavery, segragation, etc) . [continues 73 words]
Scott Davison's column on our failed war on drugs was right on target. But it will take more than good logic to persuade our government to abandon this madness. Over the decades we have seen a huge increase in the number of drug war-related agencies and industries, the prison system being one of the biggest. This nation is literally "addicted" to fighting drug use, so much so that Americans have been willing to torch the Bill of Rights in their ignoble crusade. And the hypocrisy of our drug war is not lost on our youth, who readily point out that drug war politicians often take donations from the tobacco and alcohol lobby. What will it take for our nation to kick the drug war habit? The answer seems to be as elusive as a drug-free America. Mike Wiley Marshall, Texas [end]
Doyle Purcell's Aug. 31 reaction to the recent Associated Press story about car parts made of hemp was more entertaining than the story itself. He begins with a ludicrous picture of people smoking the car. Then in rambling fashion, he condemns littering, shopping carts left in parking spaces and misplaced food products in grocery stores. I suppose he's blaming all these horrors on those evil dopers, or "beer-guzzling potheads," but it's hard to be certain. I would love to visit with Mr. Purcell and tell him about how our own government used to value hemp so much that it encouraged farmers to grow it. And then I could explain to him that industrial hemp doesn't have enough THC to get a gnat buzzed. And maybe I could tell him about all the "dopers" I know who hate alcohol, pay taxes, never miss work and have very strong environmental convictions. But I have a feeling Mr. Purcell wouldn't be too receptive to things like facts, which makes him a perfect choice for this country's next drug czar. Mike Wiley Marshall [end]
I want to commend you, Emily Wright ("School searches are wrong," Cyberletters, May 24), in your efforts to stop the intrusive searches at your school. Unfortunately, your rational, articulate argument will probably fall on deaf ears. Our courts have consistently shown that this insane drug war trumps basic liberty, especially that of minors. I apologize for my generation's failure to offer a more rational approach to drugs. I am truly sorry that young people, especially, have been singled out to suffer the worst abuses. I can only hope that your generation will learn from our madness and eventually restore the Bill of Rights, which we have so blatantly shredded. Otherwise your children may one day be carrying microchip implants that monitor their every move, all in the name of "protecting" them. Marshall, Texas [end]
In his vigorous support of new drug czar John P. Walters and the continuation of failed drug war policies, columnist Robert Charles bemoans the "well-funded legalization movement" ("New drug czar's mission," Commentary, May 14). I find it humorous that so paltry a sum as a few million dollars has done so much to influence public attitudes. I say "paltry" because the opposition (the Drug Enforcement Agency, the FBI, Customs, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, etc.) has spent untold billions in the pursuit of a drug-free America. Yet drugs are as cheap and available as ever. [continues 140 words]
Thank you, Mr. Parrish! I agree that the sudden turnaround of former drug war hawks [Geov Parrish, "A diversionary tactic," 3/1] is hypocritical and galling. I also think that many of them need to be held accountable for their previous actions, in the same way that other war crime perpetrators have had to answer for their crimes against humanity. But right now I'm just happy that the American sheeple are finally waking up to what has been a decades-long assault on the Constitution, minority families, and individuals whose only "crime" was using substances that were unacceptable to puritanistic moralists like William Bennet. The winds of common sense are finally blowing. Breathe deeply! Mike Wiley Marshall, Tex. [end]
Three cheers for Greg Sagan's insightful Nov. 9 analysis of our failed drug policy! I can only hope more Americans will see that the path we are on now can only lead to an ultimate destination that is a lot scarier than the sight of my neighbor firing up a joint. Marshall [end]