McCutcheon, Alicia 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1 CN ON: Needle Exchange Program To Be Discussed For ManitoulinWed, 30 Mar 2016
Source:Manitoulin Expositor (CN ON) Author:McCutcheon, Alicia Area:Ontario Lines:69 Added:03/30/2016

MANITOULIN - It is still unclear as to how the Sudbury and District Health Unit's (SDHU) harm reduction supplies and services programming will roll out on Manitoulin, but members of the Manitoulin Harm Reduction Committee have realized a need when it comes to safe needle use on the Island.

Jeanette Cyr, a public health nurse specializing in sexual health with the SDHU, explained that the harm reduction supplies and services programming is just in the preliminary phase and will be different for each community, based on that community's needs. "It needs to fit the needs of the clients," she said.

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