The DEA recently raided a medical marijuana clinic in California. The 100 patients now have to buy marijuana on the street instead from the clinic's safe supply. One might question Attorney General John Ashcroft as to whether this use of federal agents makes much sense when the FBI apparently is in need of new recruits. RICHARD B. WOLF, Coral Gables [end]
Kudos for the Feb. 4 editorial Save a penny, lose a life. Drug addiction is a medical problem, and the prison system has no place in it. One dollar spent on treatment has the same effect on reducing cocaine use as $7 spent on law enforcement. Drug addiction is bad, but the drug war is worse. I am sure that Gov. Jeb Bush understands this because of his daughter's drug problem, but political considerations prevent him from viewing his constituents in the same light as he does his family. [continues 180 words]