Robertson, Dale 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1 US SC: Commentary: Drug Addict Always A Drug AddictSun, 25 Nov 2001
Source:State, The (SC) Author:Robertson, Dale Area:South Carolina Lines:43 Added:11/26/2001

Give a cocaine-addicted mouse the choice between food, sex or blow, and the cute little creature doesn't think twice about what it wants most. Eating and procreating become non-options.

You read that Ken Caminiti has been busted for smoking crack, and you're both shocked and disillusioned. You wonder how a guy who once had everything -- money, celebrity and a beautiful, supportive family -- could have nothing upstairs.

Except Cammy's problem isn't stupidity. He's no more a master of his cravings than that poor mouse. He's a drug addict. He will always be a drug addict. And accepting this can be his salvation, whereas continuing to deny it will finish him off, completely ruining his life and perhaps even ending it.

[continues 119 words]

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