McCarthy, Andrew C_ 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1 US DC: Column: The Menace Of Civil ForfeitureTue, 18 Nov 2014
Source:Washington Times (DC) Author:McCarthy, Andrew C. Area:District of Columbia Lines:115 Added:11/19/2014

Runaway Crime Has Been Replaced by Rogue Executive Power

Whether your metric is the use of the executive branch's awesome investigative and prosecutorial powers to punish the administration critics, the stonewalling and misleading of congressional investigations, or the racially discriminatory enforcement of civil rights laws in violation of the Constitution's equalprotection principles, the Obama Justice Department is the most politicized in the nation's history.

But the conversion of the rule of law from a foundation of ordered liberty to a political weapon may have at least one silver lining. Growing public alarm over the abuse of executive power spotlights some wayward prosecutorial practices that have been building for decades. Among them is civil forfeiture. It has devolved from a useful tool for defunding major criminal enterprises to a dangerous gutting of due process for ordinary Americans.

[continues 707 words]

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