Search for Low-Cost Provider Underway GEORGETOWN - The adoption of an ordinance that would allow the Village of Georgetown to conduct random drug tests of village employees was put on hold during the Oct. 19 council meeting. Drug testing in the workplace has become common practice for businesses over the past 25 years. Since introduced, drug testing in the work place has become a feasible way to help safeguard the health of employees and reduce liability risks to business owners. Drug testing is now being conducted in thousands of work places all over Ohio and, if the cost is found to be feasible, the Village of Georgetown may soon be among the many employers who use random drug-screening in order to develop safer work environments for village employees. [continues 344 words]
Search For Low-Cost Provider Underway GEORGETOWN - The adoption of an ordinance that would allow the Village of Georgetown to conduct random drug tests of village employees was put on hold during the Oct. 19 council meeting. Drug testing in the workplace has become common practice for businesses over the past 25 years. Since introduced, drug testing in the work place has become a feasible way to help safeguard the health of employees and reduce liability risks to business owners. Drug testing is now being conducted in thousands of work places all over Ohio and, if the cost is found to be feasible, the Village of Georgetown may soon be among the many employers who use random drug-screening in order to develop safer work environments for village employees. [continues 637 words]