This letter is in response to the middle school student in Highland accused of selling marijuana and the New Paltz teacher accused of getting her student to buy marijuana for her. These are two stark examples of how in an illegal marketplace, kids can have better access to drugs than adults. Not to excuse the teacher's negligent actions, but it is sad to see someone in so much pain and fear be driven to such desperate measures for medicine. She reports she did it out of desperation because she was in so much pain from an immune disorder. Marijuana is a safe and effective medicine for many patients, including its use in pain management. [continues 226 words]
SUNY-New Paltz Students And Village Officials Rally For A Change In College Drug Policy Approximately 150 students turned out for a rally outside the Haggarty Administration building on the SUNY-New Paltz campus this past Friday, calling for a moratorium on student expulsion for possession of controlled substances. Students that had been expelled spoke at the rally and were joined by Ulster County legislator Hector Rodriguez [D-New Paltz], New Paltz village mayor Jason West, New Paltz village trustee Michael Zierler, student senator chair Justin Holmes and student senator Jenny Loeb. [continues 942 words]