Shaw, Liz 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2025
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1US MI: Genesee County Resident On Faculty Of New Med GrowFri, 04 Dec 2009
Source:Flint Journal (MI) Author:Shaw, Liz Area:Michigan Lines:Excerpt Added:12/04/2009

GENESEE COUNTY, Michigan -- Perry Belcher might chuckle good-naturedly at the tongue-in-cheek title "Professor of Pot" -- but the former cameraman-turned-college instructor says his History of Cannabis course is no joking matter. "Almost everything people think they know about marijuana comes from decades of propaganda that has no basis in viable medical information," said Belcher, a northern Genesee County resident on the faculty at the newly opened Med Grow Cannabis College in Southfield. "All that historical stigma is something we still have to overcome even with the new laws legalizing medicinal use."

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2US MI: Group to Offer Marijuana Advice, Patient Advocates Aim to TeachFri, 06 Mar 2009
Source:Flint Journal (MI) Author:Shaw, Elizabeth Area:Michigan Lines:Excerpt Added:03/06/2009

MOUNT MORRIS TOWNSHIP, Michigan -- This is a first: A class on how to grow pot -- and which type to smoke (or eat) for the high you want.

It's a result of Michigan's new law giving the OK to use marijuana for medical purposes -- including treatment of nausea, lack of appetite or anxiety, all common side effects of many serious illnesses.

The new Genesee County Compassion Club, one of the state's first official "pot clubs," is to meet today. It plans to offer cannabis cookbooks, advice for dealing with doctors and growing tips.

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3US MI: Loyalty to DARE Program to Be Tested at Ballot BoxThu, 22 Jul 2004
Source:Flint Journal (MI) Author:Shaw, Elizabeth Area:Michigan Lines:Excerpt Added:07/23/2004

Back in January, parents and students staged a public uproar over the demise of a popular school police program. But on Aug. 3, will they step up to the ballot box to pay for it?

That's the question voters will answer as the city seeks 0.5 mills to continue the school district's Drug Abuse Resistance Education. The program was phased out this year due to the loss of state DARE funding and the expiration of the city's federal COPS in Schools grant.

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4 UK: Town Horrified By Cannabis Protest PlanSat, 03 Jul 2004
Source:East Anglian Daily Times (UK) Author:Hearnshaw, Liz Area:United Kingdom Lines:75 Added:07/04/2004

A COUNCILLOR has described as "absolutely horrifying" a plan for about 50 cannabis users to smoke the drug during a protest march in a town.

A "Smokey Bear's Picnic" will be held in Brandon on July 17 to raise awareness of the campaign for the legalisation of the drug.

The event organiser, who asked not to be named, said: "People have the right to chose what they do and this is all about freedom of choice.

"Hopefully, this will be a big gathering of people who support legalisation and there should be around 50 coming along.

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5US MI: Flushing To Mull Asking Half-Mill Tax For DAREWed, 12 May 2004
Source:Flint Journal (MI) Author:Shaw, Elizabeth Area:Michigan Lines:Excerpt Added:05/13/2004

FLUSHING -- City residents could be asked to decide the future of a popular school police program at the Aug. 3 election.

On Monday, the City Council voted to hold a public hearing on May 24 to place a 0.5-mill request on the primary ballot to continue funding the school district's Drug Abuse Resistance Education. The program is being phased out this year due to the loss of state DARE funding and the expiration of the city's federal COPS in Schools grant.

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6 Canada: US And Canada: Holding The LineSat, 09 Mar 2002
Source:Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (WI) Author:Shaw, Mary-Liz Area:Canada Lines:354 Added:03/10/2002

Two Nations Try To Raise Defenses While Staying Friends

Windsor, Ontario - The day after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, John Power, a trucker out of Moncton, New Brunswick, was hauling 40,000 pounds of limes into Canada from Laredo, Texas. He arrived at the truck inspection plaza in Detroit for a routine clearance - and was met by two National Guardsmen pointing guns at his face.

"It was like a war zone," says Power, a 10-year veteran of U.S.-Canadian border travel, the international equivalent of crossing the neighbor's yard. Until then, a stop at customs usually consisted of three or four questions in a bored drone - "Citizenship? Destination? Anything to declare?" - and then a wave forward.

[continues 2759 words]

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