MacLeod, Steve 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1 CN ON: N.S. Judge's Pot Possession Ruling To Be AppealedWed, 09 Apr 2003
Source:London Free Press (CN ON) Author:MacLeod, Steve Area:Ontario Lines:67 Added:04/09/2003

HALIFAX (CP)- The federal Crown is appealing a Nova Scotia judge's ruling there is no valid law in place governing simple possession of marijuana.

A spokesperson for the Justice Department said yesterday adjournments would also be sought in pot possession cases in Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island, where a similar ruling was recently made, until the appeal is heard.

"As far as the Crown is concerned, the law remains as it always was," said spokesperson Glenn Chamberlain.

"It's appropriate that we appeal the decision and it's appropriate in the meantime that we don't go forward with other cases. Otherwise, they'd be in the same position."

[continues 299 words]

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