Thompson, Myron 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1 CN AB: Column: Supreme Court Barking Up the Wrong TreeFri, 09 May 2008
Source:Airdrie City View (CN AB) Author:Thompson, Myron Area:Alberta Lines:68 Added:05/12/2008

The Supreme Court of Canada has ruled that scent-tracking dogs used to conduct random searches for drugs amounts to unreasonable search and seizure under the Charter of Rights.

The decision appears to have significant implications for the fight against drugs, particularly as it relates to preventing drug dealers from infiltrating our schools where they can prey on children and young people.

In one case, police in Sarnia had a standing invitation from the high school principal to conduct searches with the canine unit. The dog, Chief, found 10 bags of marijuana, 10 magic mushrooms and assorted drug paraphernalia in a backpack.

[continues 358 words]

2 CN AB: LTE: Government Gets Tough On DrugsWed, 28 Nov 2007
Source:Airdrie Echo (CN AB) Author:Thompson, Myron Area:Alberta Lines:36 Added:12/01/2007

Dear Editor:

On Nov. 20, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada Rob Nicholson introduced legislative reforms for mandatory jail time for people who commit the serious crimes of producing and selling illegal drugs. The safety of our communities must be protected from illegal drug producers and dealers; those producers and dealers must face tougher penalties. The proposed amendments this government is introducing - resulting in mandatory prison sentences for certain serious drug offences - will go a long way toward protecting the communities we live in. These amendments will make offenders think twice about setting up grow ops and drug labs in our residential areas and, particularly, lessen the exposure of our youth to drugs. The message is clear: if you sell or produce drugs - you'll pay with jail time. This legislative measure is part of the Government of Canada's $63.8 million national anti-drug strategy. This strategy is a collaborative effort involving the Department of Justice, Public Safety Canada and Health Canada. The strategy includes three action plans: preventing illicit drug use; treating those with illicit drug dependencies; and combating the production and distribution of illicit drugs.

Myron Thompson, Wild Rose MP


3 CN AB: OPED: MP Hears What Police Have To SayWed, 21 Sep 2005
Source:Airdrie Echo (CN AB) Author:Thompson, Myron Area:Alberta Lines:43 Added:09/24/2005

The people in Wild Rose have long been proud of the fact that they have had safe streets and a low crime rate. Unfortunately, this is no longer the case in many areas in the riding, according to local police.

This past summer, I visited many of the RCMP detachments in Wild Rose, including Olds, Sundre, Cochrane, Didsbury and Banff. They all reported to me that they are now facing many of the same problems as the big cities. The rise of crystal meth use, the spread of grow ops and the steady rise of gang violence are just three of the most pressing new problems affecting the safety and health of our communities.

[continues 157 words]

4 CN AB: LTE: What Are The Liberal's Smoking?Wed, 18 Jun 2003
Source:Didsbury Review, The (CN AB) Author:Thompson, Myron Area:Alberta Lines:41 Added:06/19/2003

I, as your Member of Parliament for Wild Rose, express my disappointment at the Liberal Government's recent introduction of Bill C-38, which would decriminalize possession of small amounts of marijuana. The ticket threshold would be 15 grams and police officers would have the option of pursuing a summary conviction or a criminal charge between 15 and 30 grams.

The Canadian Alliance has serious reservations about the bill, as does many police officers. The Liberals have set the effective decriminalization threshold at 30 grams, throwing the door open to greater marijuana use in Canada with little thought to the message being sent continued the Canadian Alliance MP.

[continues 150 words]

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