Mieszkowski, Katherine 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2025
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1 US: Web: Can Legalizing Drugs Bring Us Closer To God?Tue, 04 Jul 2000
Source:Salon.com (US Web) Author:Mieszkowski, Katherine        Lines:409 Added:07/04/2000

Huston Smith, 81, speaks slowly with the deliberate enunciation and wry playfulness of a serious scholar who is used to having what he says deeply considered. Seated in his Berkeley, Calif., living room, the authority on world religions takes out a letter he's just received from a reader of his most recently published book. The letter recounts a spiritual epiphany.

"It is so moving," Smith intones warmly and begins to read it aloud with evident respect:

"It was like I traveled into myself and broke through to the other side, and I was in the presence of God. I was in communion with all that ever could be, and experienced love beyond measure.

[continues 3186 words]

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