Edwards, Estelle 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1 US NY: PUB LTE: Forfeiture Policy Can Feed CorruptionTue, 22 Jul 2014
Source:Newsday (NY) Author:Edwards, Estelle Area:New York Lines:42 Added:07/22/2014

Kelly Gordon was killed on the Upper East

Kelly Gordon was killed on the Upper East Side when she was struck by two separate cabs, police said. (Credit: iStock)

The article "Seized assets boost LI cops" [News, July 14] was long overdue. It goes to the heart of all that is wrong with government in general.

Policing today is not about helping people or protecting the public. It's about government enriching itself at the expense of the taxpayer. The asset forfeiture laws allow cops to be judge and jury. There is no due process and no return of property if the person targeted is innocent of wrongdoing.

[continues 130 words]

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