The Legislature's definition of an inherently dangerous felony resulted in a scaled-up murder charge against a Hays man charged with causing an overdose death. David S. Knapp, 46, 2400 E. Seventh, No. 15, was charged Thursday in Ellis County District Court with first-degree murder in the death of Frank Allen Brown. Brown, 46, Gorham, was found dead in a room at Budget Villa motel on Oct. 31. According to the complaint filed in court, Knapp allegedly provided fentanyl to Brown, leading to Brown's death from an overdose. [continues 401 words]
When you see your old solution isn't working, it's time to come up with a new one. That's the conclusion Northwest Kansas Community Corrections director John Trembley came to when he analyzed what was happening with methamphetamine users in the community corrections program. Community corrections supervises a daily average of 110 offenders and 57 parolees, Trembley said. "Currently, 60 percent of all our offenders are on for some type of substance abuse issues," Trembley said. "Twenty-five percent of my average daily population is methamphetamine users." [continues 558 words]
Called "huffing," or sometimes "sniffing," the practice of inhaling concentrated chemicals to get high from the fumes has been around a long time. Now inhalants have been added to the list of drugs that can be used for a driving under the influence conviction. Huffers use common and readily available chemicals, like aerosol sprays, spray paint, glue, paint thinner and certain cleaning agents that have strong fumes that can intoxicate a person. The Ellis County Sheriff's Department has dealt with few huffing cases over the years, Sheriff Ed Harbin said. [continues 351 words]