Knight, Chris 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1CN ON: A Hard ClimbSat, 17 Jun 2017
Source:Ottawa Citizen (CN ON) Author:Knight, Chris Area:Ontario Lines:Excerpt Added:06/19/2017

Documentary Gives Clear-eyed, Non-judgmental View Of Tough Life

"Where's the happy ending? It's a good day. There's no good ending. The ending's when you're dead." So says Marty, one of a number of residents and workers interviewed at the Regent Park Community Health Centre in the east-of-downtown Toronto neighbourhood for this documentary.

He's discussing the difficulties of recovering from addiction, something everyone in the film is dealing with to one degree or another. "Relapse is a part of recovery," says Roxanne, a former addict and sex-trade worker. "I just don't want it to be a part of mine."

[continues 277 words]

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