Grandstaff, Carlotta 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1 US MT: Putting Pot in Its Proper PlaceThu, 16 Dec 2004
Source:Missoula Independent (MT) Author:Grandstaff, Carlotta Area:Montana Lines:122 Added:12/21/2004

Proponents of Initiative 148, the so-called medical marijuana law, were successful in convincing red state voters to allow terminally and chronically ill patients to alleviate their suffering by smoking a substance the federal government outlawed more than three decades ago. Or, to put it another way, opponents of medical marijuana never launched a credible defense of the status quo.

However you parse it, the use of marijuana for medical reasons became law immediately after the voters approved it 276,042 to 170,579.

[continues 905 words]

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