Dauben, Joey 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1 US TX: Parent Upset Over Undercover Drug SweepTue, 23 Dec 2003
Source:Ellis County Press, The (TX) Author:Dauben, Joey Area:Texas Lines:140 Added:12/24/2003

Informant Used; Lawsuit, Picket Planned Friday

WAXAHACHIE - A drug "sweep" by an undercover informant and assistant principal at Waxahachie Junior High School Wednesday, Dec. 11 has Linda Gallegos fuming.

Waxahachie Independent School District officials said 12 students in all were searched for drugs, including Gallegos' daughter, at the school, which is located north of Highway 287 on Brown Street.

"Administrators and WISD security checked 12 students according to state law and in accordance with confidentiality guidelines," said Candace Ahlfinger, the district's public relations director.

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2 US TX: Public Not Being Informed of School District IncidentsTue, 23 Dec 2003
Source:Ellis County Press, The (TX) Author:Dauben, Joey Area:Texas Lines:114 Added:12/23/2003

Parents Creating Citizen Group to Demand Accountability

ELLIS COUNTY - With situations and events within local school districts now seeping out into the public, it has many taxpayers and parents alike angry - - and demanding more accountability.

Last week's drug search of 12 students at Waxahachie Junior High School was the third so far this school year, but parents "had no clue" they took place, according to Linda Gallegos, one parent who is now planning to sue the district because of it.

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