Hanson, Robert 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1 US RI: Edu: Students Prepare to Battle Drug WarTue, 04 Mar 2003
Source:Good 5 Cent Cigar (RI Edu) Author:Hanson, Robert Area:Rhode Island Lines:92 Added:03/04/2003

The University of Rhode Island's Students for Sensible Drug Policy discussed many current issues in regards to drug policy reform, at regional conference for their organization over the past weekend, including racism and draconian laws.

Over 50 students from about a dozen schools attended the conference. The students came from Brown and as far away as Columbia and Rochester Institute of Technology in New York. The speakers included former police and military personnel as well as others whose lives had been directly affected by drugs.

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2 US RI: Senate Supports Repeal Of Drug LawThu, 31 Oct 2002
Source:Good 5 Cent Cigar (RI Edu) Author:Hanson, Robert Area:Rhode Island Lines:110 Added:10/31/2002

The University of Rhode Island Student Senate voted Wednesday night to support a bill in the House of Representatives that would repeal the portion of the 1998 Higher Education act mandating students or prospective students who have been convicted of any drug-related offense to be denied eligibility for federal financial aid.

There are currently 67 members of the House of Representatives who have co-sponsored the bill. Rhode Island congressmen Langevin and Kennedy are not currently co-sponsors.

Students for Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP) helped to bring this measure to the senate with their petition that was signed by over 1,000 students and faculty members.

[continues 586 words]

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