Rock, Winifred 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1 US NJ: PUB LTE: Prohibition ShamWed, 30 May 2001
Source:Star-Ledger (NJ) Author:Rock, Winifred Area:New Jersey Lines:30 Added:05/30/2001

I found David Evans' May 21 letter, "Medical marijuana hoax," laughable. Doctors are allowed, by law, to prescribe much more dangerous drugs for their patients. And maybe the American Medical Association and other groups have rejected marijuana as a medicine, but I find 26 organizations that endorse marijuana as a medicine at:

And why does Evans mention schoolchildren? Many schoolchildren are on Ritalin, and according to the Drug Enforcement Administration, that drug has effects similar to cocaine and amphetamines.

[continues 65 words]

2 US GA: LTE: Responsible Adults Don't 'Get High' On The JobMon, 22 May 2000
Source:Athens Daily News (GA) Author:Rock, Winifred Area:Georgia Lines:29 Added:05/26/2000

Many people that smoke marijuana are hard-working, responsible adults. You won't see them at the ''march,'' they will be working! Responsible adults don't ''get high'' on the job, they wait until they get home.

What kind of pilot, doctor, cop, etc. would ''get high'' on pot or alcohol, for that matter, while on the job? If they do, then they aren't responsible adults, and as for these so-called ''pillars of the community,'' many were (are) drunks, bootleggers, adulterers, racists ... should I go on?

One more thing: When was the last time you saw a clean-cut, decent-looking drunk?

Winifred Rock


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