Riemenschneider, Michael 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1US CA: Council Passes 45 Day Moratorium Of New MedicalThu, 19 May 2005
Source:Ukiah Daily Journal, The (CA) Author:Riemenschneider, Michael Area:California Lines:Excerpt Added:05/22/2005

Only in Mendocino County

For a variety of reasons, and from a variety of different political persuasions, the Ukiah City Council Wednesday night unanimously approved a temporary moratorium on new medicinal marijuana dispensaries. Also by consensus, staff was requested to quickly develop zoning regulations for future cannabis clubs.

The matter was introduced by City Attorney David Rapport. An urgency ordinance going into effect immediately, the moratorium would prohibit construction of new dispensaries within city limits. The two existing clubs will not be allowed to expand their businesses, but otherwise will not be affected. If new zoning laws are not created by July 2, the council can extend the moratorium for up to 10 months.

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2US CA: Piloting The Not-So-Clear Skies Of Medical MarijuanaWed, 18 May 2005
Source:Ukiah Daily Journal, The (CA) Author:Riemenschneider, Michael Area:California Lines:Excerpt Added:05/22/2005

The Trial Implementation Of Statewide Prop. 215 ID's

This world is rife with coincidence.

In gradual response to the 2003 passage of Senate bill (SB) 420, legislation creating a statewide medicinal marijuana identification system and database, seven California counties are expected to launch trials of the program. Mendocino County, as one of the few counties to already have established a medicinal marijuana identification system, is one of those seven.

The County Board of Supervisors heard the matter Tuesday, but postponed action until next week.

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3US CA: Council Looks at Restrictions on Pot GrowingSat, 08 Jan 2005
Source:Ukiah Daily Journal, The (CA) Author:Riemenschneider, Michael Area:California Lines:Excerpt Added:01/09/2005

Amid all of the events of Wednesday's Ukiah City Council meeting, one concerned a particular odor. And, no, that odor was not the stench of the homeless in and around the Pear Tree Center. This issue involved the marijuana grown throughout the summer in many Ukiah backyards, as well as the community's worries about the dope.

At the Nov. 3 meeting, the council requested City Attorney David Rapport to outline the possible manners of restricting cultivation in the city. He reported back with lots of information and a draft ordinance. Rapport's report incited a substantial discussion, with many new ideas including requiring indoor growing and implementing use permits.

[continues 456 words]

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