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61 CN MB: OPED: Take Public-Health Approach To PotThu, 20 Apr 2017
Source:Winnipeg Free Press (CN MB) Author:Reimer, Joss Area:Manitoba Lines:84 Added:04/22/2017

This time next year will be the last 4/20 - the unofficial cannabis holiday known by its numeric calendar date - when possessing weed for personal use will be a crime. Legalization is coming to Canada in the summer of 2018.

So far, reactions to legalized cannabis have ranged from healthy concern to outright fearmongering. Some people have claimed it will lead the youth astray, make our roads less safe and harm our overall health.

Legalizing cannabis is not without risk. But legalization can also address how risky our current approach, the so-called War On Drugs, has been.

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62 Canada: Canada's Catholic Bishops Warn Against Marijuana LegalizationTue, 18 Apr 2017
Source:Catholic Register, The (Canada) Author:Gyapong, Deborah Area:Canada Lines:106 Added:04/22/2017

OTTAWA - Legalizing marijuana shows a "disregard" for public health and safety, Canada's Catholic bishops charge.

The bishops' statement came one day before the Liberal government announced the introduction April 13 in the House of Commons of the Cannabis Act, which will eventually "legalize, regulate and restrict access" to marijuana.

"From the standpoint of public health, not only does this course of action appear to be unwise, it is potentially dangerous," said the statement signed by the president of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB), Bishop Douglas Crosby of Hamilton. "The very significant health risks associated with the use of cannabis are widely recognized, particularly in young people."

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63 CN BC: Maple Ridge Doctor Wants Limits On Recreational MarijuanaWed, 19 Apr 2017
Source:Maple Ridge News (CN BC) Author:Melnychuk, Phil Area:British Columbia Lines:124 Added:04/22/2017

Limit potency and amount for ages 21-25

Maple Ridge psychiatrist Dr. Biju Mathew is joining others in his profession in calling for the federal government to make legal age for smoking marijuana 21.

"Marijuana shouldn't be used on kids below 25," Mathew said.

The Cannabis Act, introduced by the federal government last week, calls for the minimum age forusing recreational marijuana to be 18, although provinces have the option to raise that.

"They have [proposed to] legalized pot, and they've also come up with stricter regulations, but they have lowered the age to 18, which is very disturbing," Mathew, president of the B.C. Psychiatric Association, said of the federal government.

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64 CN QU: Editorial: Smoke And MirrorsWed, 19 Apr 2017
Source:Record, The (CN QU) Author:McDevitt, Mike Area:Quebec Lines:127 Added:04/22/2017

When young Justin Trudeau announced during has election campaign that a Liberal government would legalize the personal possession of marijuana for recreational purposes, the overall political impact could best be described as a collective response somewhere between indifference to "it's about time." For most, the issue of marijuana legalization was pretty low on totem pole of concerns, given more pressing issues. At most, the proposal helped solidify young Justin's reputation as a hip, modern alternative to the depressing crankiness of his predecessor.

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65 CN ON: LTE: Marijuana Legalization A Dangerous MoveMon, 17 Apr 2017
Source:Intelligencer, The (CN ON) Author:Comeau, Larry Area:Ontario Lines:50 Added:04/19/2017

Anyone who has visited Amsterdam or Seattle has a good idea of what marijuana legalization will do the degradation of inner city, with stoned young people all over the place.

Sadly, Trudeau's theory that legalization of marijuana is the best way to keep it away from young people, by keeping organized crime out of black-market sales, is right out of fantasyland.

Everywhere it has been legalized organized criminal groups have quickly gotten involved to take part in huge profits and little risk of serious jail time. In Ontario, OC already have networks in place to distribute cigarettes and other commodities, meaning selling pot will be an easy transition. Recent arrests of Hell Angels involved in blackmarket sales of medical marihuana show how out of touch Trudeau's views are with reality.

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66 Canada: Front-Line Health-Care Providers Have A Number Of ConcernsFri, 14 Apr 2017
Source:Globe and Mail (Canada) Author:Grant, Kelly Area:Canada Lines:116 Added:04/16/2017

As Justin Trudeau's Liberal government tables its long-awaited marijuana legislation, Canada's doctors have a message about pot: Just because it will eventually be legal doesn't mean it's safe.

The Canadian Medical Association, the Canadian Psychiatric Association, the Canadian Paediatric Society and other organizations representing front-line health-care providers have been busy broadcasting their concerns about the ill effects of cannabis, especially for chronic smokers under the age of 25.

"We're saying: 'Please keep the public-health focus front of mind as this legislation is unrolled,' " said Gail Beck, the clinical director of youth psychiatry at the Royal, a psychiatric hospital in Ottawa. "Lots of people think this is harmless."

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67CN QU: Trudeauas Pot Legalization A Headache For QuebecThu, 13 Apr 2017
Source:Montreal Gazette (CN QU) Author:Authier, Philip Area:Quebec Lines:Excerpt Added:04/15/2017

Logistics are complicated, but province fears the social costs

The province will table its own legislation in response to Ottawa's plans to legalize recreational marijuana and is forming a common front with Ontario to draft an action plan to deal with the expected sweeping negative social consequences.

Emerging from a meeting of cabinet where the federal government's plan was analyzed at length, Public Health and Youth Protection Minister Lucie Charlebois said Quebec is moving rapidly to respond to deepening concerns - inside government and out - about the increased availability of pot.

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68 CN QU: Editorial: Smoke 'Em If Ya Got 'EmWed, 12 Apr 2017
Source:Record, The (CN QU) Author:McDevitt, Mike Area:Quebec Lines:130 Added:04/14/2017

Tomorrow, the Liberal Government of Justin Trudeau is expected to fulfill one of its most well-publicised campaign promises and present its much anticipated legislation to legalize the possession and use of cannabis for recreational purposes. Why they couldn't wait another week until April 20 (420) is a question worth pondering, but then again, that might have required a sense of humour.

The history of drug prohibition in Canada goes back to the early 20th Century when authorities became concerned about the use of certain substances among Asian immigrant communities. Marijuana was added to the ever-increasing list of banned substances in the 1920s and once again, race was an integral component. Drug use became associated with decadence, jazz, racial mixing, and sexual license - all things designed to send shivers through middle-class society and its concept of propriety.

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69 CN ON: OPED: Stifle The 'Let's Party!' Message When Legalizing PotWed, 12 Apr 2017
Source:Toronto Star (CN ON) Author:Dowie, Vaughan Area:Ontario Lines:93 Added:04/13/2017

The government messaging regarding the legalization of recreational cannabis requires a delicate touch. A celebratory approach will give the impression of promoting use

The federal government has committed to legalize the recreational use of marijuana and is expected to table legislation this week, before Parliament rises for its spring break. Are we ready for this? Does the government have a clear and consistent message for young people and their families?

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has been clear on his rationale for legalization: to minimize underage access to marijuana and to reduce criminal activity surrounding illegal marijuana trade. "Our focus is on protecting kids and protecting our streets," Trudeau said at The Economist magazine's Canada Summit in Toronto last June.

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70 Canada: Science Is Still Hazy As Legal Pot LoomsSun, 09 Apr 2017
Source:Toronto Star (CN ON) Author:Allen, Kate Area:Canada Lines:316 Added:04/12/2017

As Ottawa readies legislation, researchers say there are gaps in understanding its effect on brain

After punching a string of numbers into a bolted-down, fireproof, alarm-protected safe - the location of which can't be divulged for security reasons - Steven Laviolette pulls out a tiny vial. Inside that vial is an even tinier dab of dark tar. The tar is purified THC, the mind-altering compound in marijuana.

The street price for a gram of weed is about $10. A gram of this stuff costs about $2,000, not counting the cost of the researcher's time acquiring it. Laviolette, a professor in the departments of anatomy and cell biology and psychiatry at Western University's Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, studies the effects of marijuana on the brain. His lab is investigating the troubling brain changes associated with THC, and also - a rapidly growing avenue of research - the very different and perhaps protective brain changes associated with cannabidiol, or CBD, another compound found in the plant.

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71 CN BC: Sea To Sky HighThu, 30 Mar 2017
Source:Pique Newsmagazine (CN BC) Author:Jones, Nicola Area:British Columbia Lines:397 Added:04/04/2017

Medical marijuana shops in the Sea to Sky are gearing up for a future of legalized weed.

When you walk into Grass Roots Medicinal in Squamish you only get access to the waiting room. There, a small counter offers bongs and other glassware for sale. All the good stuff - the grass the store gets its name from - is locked up behind a second door, out of reach. To get there, you have to sign up to become a member, which means providing some proof of an ailment that cannabis might help you with.

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72 CN QU: Editorial: Taking The High RoadWed, 29 Mar 2017
Source:Record, The (CN QU) Author:McDevitt, Mike Area:Quebec Lines:126 Added:03/29/2017

A large number of Canadians let out a cough of relief this week as the Trudeau government announced that it will finally reveal its intentions with regard to legalization of the recreational use of marijuana within the next few weeks that will come into effect on July 1, 2018 (Cannabis Day?).

Although final details of the plan have yet to be released, informed sources are saying that the Bill will reflect the recommendations of a Parliamentary committee headed by former Toronto Police Chief Bill Blair and will allow (force?) provincial governments to set up the kind of regimes they want in order to comply with the law.

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73 CN ON: Forum Says McMaster Must Prepare To Deal With MarijuanaWed, 29 Mar 2017
Source:Hamilton Spectator (CN ON) Author:Fragomeni, Carmela Area:Ontario Lines:84 Added:03/29/2017

New law will require strategy to deal with use of pot and its effects on student life, learning

There is reason to be concerned about legalizing marijuana when it comes to youth, a McMaster University health forum heard.

Psychologist and cannabis-use researcher Franco Vaccarino told Tuesday's Cannabis on Campus forum that young people need special attention because their brains don't fully develop until age of 25.

Vaccarino, a principal editor of "The Effects of Cannabis Use during Adolescence" report in 2015, said brains undergo dramatic changes during adolescence and youth are vulnerable to drug use.

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74 CN ON: LTE: Move To Legalize Marijuana QuestionableWed, 15 Mar 2017
Source:Kingston Whig-Standard (CN ON) Author:Comeau, Larry Area:Ontario Lines:50 Added:03/17/2017

"Six workers arrested in marijuana dispensaries raid," March 11

Just this week a report was released saying smoking marijuana can do the same serious damage to lungs as tobacco, which is common sense. The U.K. has done extensive studies showing young people who smoke marijuana have a greatly enhanced chance of suffering psychosis and other mental issues later in life. There is no easy roadside test for drivers in Canada believed to have smoked up. (In Colorado, traffic deaths have gone up substantially since it legalized pot).

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75CN QU: Access To Pot Key For Clinical Trials: ResearcherWed, 15 Mar 2017
Source:Montreal Gazette (CN QU) Author:Greenaway, Kathryn Area:Quebec Lines:Excerpt Added:03/15/2017

Dr. Mark Ware has been studying the safe and effective use of medical marijuana for 16 years. His research is done at the McGill University Health Centre (MUHC). Last June, Ware was named vice-chair of the federal task force studying the recreational use of marijuana. So he has studied the subject of cannabis from both ends of the spectrum.

When told that a 40,000-square-foot medical marijuana production facility was poised to open in Pointe-Claire, he put on his research cap.

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76 CN ON: LTE: Legalized Pot Will Produce ProblemsMon, 06 Mar 2017
Source:Intelligencer, The (CN ON) Author:Comeau, Larry Area:Ontario Lines:61 Added:03/09/2017

When Trudeau first floated the idea of legalizing marijuana, he obviously had two things in mind: getting the votes of those wanting to smoke it legally and the billions it would bring his government.

He obviously neglected to realize that if we cannot keep legalized tobacco products and alcohol out of the hands of our youth, how on earth does he think legalizing this drug will accomplish that? Once you make marijuana more easily accessible with legalization and remove the stigma from it more youths will get involved. Studies are finding young kids are getting marijuana in Colorado where it is legal and a big increase in traffic deaths since pot legalization took place.

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77 CN BC: Column: Queen Charlotte Is Right To Get Ready For Legal PotFri, 03 Mar 2017
Source:Haida Gwaii Observer (CN BC) Author:Kertes, Tom Area:British Columbia Lines:83 Added:03/03/2017

If the federal Liberals keep their campaign promise, legal pot is around the corner. The Village of Queen Charlotte is rightly preparing now for how to regulate marijuana retailers once it's legalized.Legal or not, marijuana is a drug that affects the brain. We have a responsibility as a community to regulate access to this drug and to minimize harms from its use and distribution. According to the Canadian Paediatric Society, cannabis harms brain development during adolescence, making access for youth a matter of health. The society writes that "cannabis use during adolescence can cause functional and structural changes to the developing brain, leading to damage." Doctors also raise concerns about marijuana dependence and associations between pot use and depression, anxiety,and psychosis.

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78 CN BC: LTE: Not In A Position To Practice MedicineFri, 24 Feb 2017
Source:Penticton Western (CN BC) Author:Lewis, Martyn Area:British Columbia Lines:48 Added:02/24/2017

Regarding Bob Jaenicke's letter (Penticton Western News, Feb. 17, Not thumbing our noses at council) about his frustrations at Okanagan Cannabis Solutions - I feel obliged to comment as a licensed pharmacist,with a master of pharmacy degree from the United Kingdom.

As all of our Penticton marijuana dispensaries certainly may mean very well, you are absolutely not in a position to practice any form of medicine, nor dispense medicine.It is not ethical for you to be talking about marijuana, an unlicensed drug, as a medicine whilst earning money from the sale of it. I amvery much pro-legalization of all recreational drugs, but medicinal drugs should not be touched by anybody bar a doctor or pharmacist, as is the legal consensus in North America.

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79 CN ON: Column: Another Study Finds Little Medicinal Use For PotWed, 25 Jan 2017
Source:London Free Press (CN ON) Author:Clark, Gordon Area:Ontario Lines:91 Added:01/25/2017

Another week, another massive study by top doctors and scientists finding limited medicinal value to marijuana. When liberal politicians such as Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson claim to be implementing "evidence-based" public policy, I find it odd they have such a blind spot with pot.

A new report by the U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine - The Health Effects of Cannabis and Cannabinoids: The Current State of Evidence and Recommendations for Research - reviewed 10,700 studies on the medicinal qualities of marijuana and concluded there is "conclusive or substantial evidence that cannabis or cannabinoids are effective" for only three conditions: chronic pain in adults, chemotherapy-induced nausea, and patient-reported multiple sclerosis spasticity.

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80 CN BC: Column: Marijuana Linked To Health Issues, Study FindsSat, 21 Jan 2017
Source:Prince George Citizen (CN BC) Author:Clark, Gordon Area:British Columbia Lines:106 Added:01/21/2017

Here we go again. Another week, another massive report by top doctors and scientists finding very limited medicinal value to marijuana. In an age when liberal politicians such as Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson claim to be implementing "evidence-based" public policy, I find it odd that they have such a blind spot when it comes to pot.

A new report by the U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine - The Health Effects of Cannabis and Cannabinoids: The Current State of Evidence and Recommendations for Research - that reviewed the results of 10,700 studies on the medicinal qualities of marijuana concluded that there is "conclusive or substantial evidence that cannabis or cannabinoids are effective" in treating only three conditions: chronic pain in adults, chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting, and patient-reported multiple sclerosis spasticity symptoms (although there was "limited" evidence of "clinician-measured" spasticity relief).

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