As I opened my June 28 Bee, the Vision section dropped out, and to my surprise there was a column which stated that the "war on drugs is now causing more harm than drug abuse itself." Could it be that after years of failure at every step, people are finally beginning to realize the truth of that statement? Sadly, this article runs under the headline "Surrender," which is blatantly wrong. Any military person will tell you that in a war when a strategy or tactic makes the enemy stronger, better equipped and more able to resist, that it is time to change that strategy or tactic. This is not "surrender"; this is just plain smart. [continues 79 words]
Sadly, this article runs under the headline "Surrender," which is blatantly wrong. Any military person will tell you that in a war when a strategy or tactic makes the enemy stronger, better equipped and more able to resist, that it is time to change that strategy or tactic. This is not "surrender"; this is just plain smart. It is time to decriminalize all currently illegal drugs, empty our prisons of nonviolent drug offenders and let our police get back to the basics of law enforcement. As scary as that might seem, when one considers the years of terror perpetuated by drug prohibition, the billions of wasted public funds and the millions of lives ruined by enforcement of a failed policy, there is no other reasonable course of action. Larry Johnson Clovis [end]