Part 3 of a series Most interviewed for this series have said that alcohol is a problem with La Canada teenagers. However, illegal drugs are definitely present as well, law enforcement officials say. "There are issues of drugs in the La Canada area," said Sgt. Harold Chilstrom of the Crescenta Valley Sheriff's narcotics division. He added that heroin is present, as it is in neighboring Crescenta Valley. "But I am hearing there is evidence of methamphetamine and marijuana [in La Canada]." [continues 510 words]
Part One of a Series According to the United States Department of Justice, in 2006 poll of high school seniors across the nation were asked, "On how many occasions, if any, have you used drugs or alcohol during the last 12 months?" Of those who responded, 66.5% said they used alcohol within a 12-month period and 45.3% had used within the 30 days prior to the poll. In the same study, 31.5% high school seniors had used marijuana in a 12-month period, 8.1% used stimulants like methamphetamine and 4.5% used inhalants. [continues 564 words]
Canine contraband-detecting dogs will soon be walking the halls and classrooms of La Canada High School. On April 18 all 7/8 and high school students attended an assembly where they met two trainers and one of the dogs from Interquest Detection Canines. The assemblies were staggered so all classes would be allowed to hear the presentation and pose questions to the trainers and LCHS Principal Damon Dragos. The dogs will be part of a pilot program that will continue through the end of this school year. [continues 1016 words]
Red ribbons have lined local elementary and high schools for two weeks. They are there because 20 years ago Drug Enforcement Administration Agent Enrique "Kiki" Camarena was tortured and killed in Mexico while investigating a drug cartel. It is in his memory - and his belief that one person can make a difference - that families, communities, schools and the PTA have supported the Red Ribbon Week philosophy. La Canada elementary schools recognized the week from Oct. 17 through 21 while La Canada High School and Glendale Unified School District schools observed Red Ribbon Week Oct. 24 through Oct. 28. Residents in the western area of La Canada attend GUSD schools. [continues 1120 words]