Nora Callahan: On a day when the nation's law enforcement agencies are on the highest alert since September 11, federal agents are busting medical marijuana providers in Northern California. Do we all feel safer? What about this so-called link between terrorism and illegal drugs? How can a society control the sale 'weeds' and bathtub gin of the new millennium (meth) - when it's worth more than gold? I'm Nora Callahan, the director of The November Coalition. Founded in 1997 after discussion with my brother, Gary Callahan and Dave Perk - both prisoners of the drug war, we decided that prisoners and those that loved them, should organize to oppose the war. [continues 4088 words]
On Oct. 16, White House drug policy director Barry McCaffrey announced that he will resign before the next president takes office. McCaffrey's drug war has been cruel, costly, and counterproductive. More than three million marijuana users have been arrested during his five-year regime, and his fight against medical marijuana has caused untold pain and suffering among the seriously ill. Indeed, a new FBI report released on Oct. 15 revealed a record number of marijuana arrests in 1999. According to the annual Crime in the United States report, there were 704,812 marijuana arrests in 1999 -- 88% of which were for possession, not sale or manufacture. [continues 192 words]