Cannabis and Driving
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121 CN ON: Bottoms Or Bongs Up?Mon, 18 Dec 2017
Source:Toronto Sun (CN ON) Author:Artuso, Antonella Area:Ontario Lines:82 Added:12/18/2017

Will weed be the new booze?

Will a culture so tied to alcohol switch allegiance once recreational cannabis is readily and legally available?

A recent study out of the University of Connecticut looked at alcohol sales in jurisdictions with medical marijuana, and found the two substances to be substitutes, with monthly booze sales falling 13%.

A 2016 Deloitte study predicted some alcohol consumers will migrate to legal recreational marijuana.

Dan Malleck, associate professor in Health Sciences at Brock University, said the U.S. study looked at medical marijuana, and the findings suggest that people are switching if they're using alcohol to self-medicate for conditions like stress.

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122CN SN: Mayor Wants Cities To Get Fair Share Of Pot TaxesThu, 14 Dec 2017
Source:StarPhoenix, The (CN SN) Author:Tank, Phil Area:Saskatchewan Lines:Excerpt Added:12/17/2017

Clark says municipalities will have extra costs for policing, services

Mayor Charlie Clark says cities like Saskatoon will face the toughest financial challenges when marijuana is legalized in six months, and he wants to make sure sufficient resources exist.

Clark said he welcomed the news from the federal government this week that 75 per cent of the expected $400 million in revenue from taxes on marijuana will go to the provinces.

Now, Clark said he would like a clearer picture from the provincial government on how that will work in terms of funding the municipal response to legalized cannabis.

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123 CN NF: LTE: Mr. Trudeau, We're Just Not ReadyThu, 14 Dec 2017
Source:Telegram, The (CN NF) Author:Power, Keihan Area:Newfoundland Lines:94 Added:12/17/2017

An argument against the legalization of marijuana

We should not let underground drug lords pressure us into legalizing something that could be quite harmful for our health.

During his election campaign, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau promised to legalize marijuana if we chose him as our leader. That day is near, and marijuana might be legalized on Canada Day 2018. Such a decision should not be taken lightly. Our country is not ready for this change.

To clarify, I don't want to come across as cynical. I know that medical marijuana has its place in treating patients with chronic or terminal illness. I also don't agree with throwing people in jail for carrying small amounts for personal use. I see this as a waste of time, money and resources. At the same time, however, I don't think that the legalization of marijuana is what our country needs. And I certainly don't think it will make our country healthier, happier or safer. The decision to legalize marijuana has implications for health, society and our youth

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124CN QU: OPED: Let's Not Delay New Bill On Impaired DrivingThu, 14 Dec 2017
Source:Montreal Gazette (CN QU) Author:Gold, Marc Area:Quebec Lines:Excerpt Added:12/16/2017

While details deserve review, it's crucial not to wait for the legalization of cannabis, Marc Gold writes.

Bill C-46 would allow police to demand that a driver suspected of having a drug in their body provide a saliva sample.

Every holiday season, volunteers for Mothers Against Drunk Driving Canada (MADD) distribute red ribbons to remind us of the lives lost due to impaired driving. Look around over the next few weeks, and you'll find them on key chains, car antennas and pinned to jackets.

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125CN AB: Column: City's Marijuana Concerns Are All Smoke, MirrorsTue, 12 Dec 2017
Source:Calgary Herald (CN AB) Author:Breakenridge, Rob Area:Alberta Lines:Excerpt Added:12/16/2017

Certain cannabis crimes ... will vanish altogether, thus resulting in less enforcement.

The city's claims that cannabis legalization is going to be a big money loser for them should certainly not be taken with a grain of salt, but rather, a few kilos of it.

Or, to put it another way, what are they smoking down at city hall?

A council committee last week heard the details on administration's latest estimates around the cost of legalization: about $10 million or so a year, or about the equivalent of a one per cent increase in property taxes.

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126CN BC: Minister Warns Pot Will Not Be Big Money-MakerWed, 13 Dec 2017
Source:Province, The (CN BC) Author:Chan, Cheryl Area:British Columbia Lines:Excerpt Added:12/16/2017

The B.C. government says revenue from legalized marijuana isn't going to create the financial windfall many expected once the province's thriving but illicit industry moves out of the shadows and is taxed like tobacco.

On Tuesday, Finance Minister Carole James cautioned against expectations.

"There will be revenue coming in after the first couple of years, but I don't see it as a big money-maker for British Columbia," James said at an editorial board meeting with The Vancouver Sun and The Province.

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127 Canada: Column: Which Party Will Pay For Pot Delay?Mon, 11 Dec 2017
Source:Globe and Mail (Canada) Author:Ibbitson, John Area:Canada Lines:98 Added:12/16/2017

You may think that you will be able to buy marijuana legally as of July 1. You should think again. Conservative senators are threatening to hold up passage of the two bills that would legalize cannabis consumption and toughen rules against abuse. Unless these senators yield, the bills are unlikely to become law in time for the Canada Day deadline.

"I think we have to do our job properly, and that means months," Conservative Senator Claude Carignan, the lead opposition critic on the legislation, said when asked in an interview how long he thought it would take the Senate to pass the bills. How many months?

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128CN BC: Editorial: Caution's Best On PotSat, 09 Dec 2017
Source:Vancouver Sun (CN BC)          Area:British Columbia Lines:Excerpt Added:12/14/2017

B.C.'s NDP government is right to get ahead of the curve and establish a framework for distributing and regulating recreational cannabis in advance of the federal government legalizing it next July.

But the plan still has some shortcomings that should be addressed before we legally light up our sativa and enjoy what one vendor described as its spicy, earthy flavours.

B.C. intends to make marijuana available at public and private retail outlets, supplied exclusively by the B.C. Liquor Distribution Branch. The government has determined that people age 19 and over will be allowed to buy it.

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129 CN PI: Editorial: Managing MarijuanaSat, 09 Dec 2017
Source:Journal-Pioneer, The (CN PI)          Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:42 Added:12/14/2017

The P.E.I. Liquor Control Commission is a good choice for managing Prince Edward Island's new marijuana stores. The LCC is well equipped for developing policy and providing oversight.

It is also good that the provincial government has decided its pot sales will be conducted from different storefronts than its liquor sales.

It just gets the right message out there: If it is not good for the PEILCC to sell liquor and pot from the same premises, it's not good for a consumer to mix liquor and pot.

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130 CN ON: SAH Boss Talks Hospital Cannabis PolicySat, 09 Dec 2017
Source:Sault Star, The (CN ON) Author:Ougler, Jeffrey Area:Ontario Lines:75 Added:12/14/2017

Smoke-free means smoke-free at Sault Area Hospital - whether that applies to tobacco fixes or toking up.

Sault Area Hospital currently has a no-cigarette policy that encompasses its entire property, which will apply once recreational pot becomes legal in Canada next summer.

"We have a no-smoking policy, so that would apply to smoking marijuana on our property," SAH president and CEO Ron Gagnon told The Sault Star.

SAH's policy includes all buildings, parking lots, the Hub Trail running along the eastern edge of the hospital grounds, roads encircling the hospital leading to and from both Great Northern Road and Third Line and wooded and grass areas to the south and west of the emergency department and helipad.

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131CN BC: Editorial: Rules On Pot Become ClearerThu, 07 Dec 2017
Source:Victoria Times-Colonist (CN BC)          Area:British Columbia Lines:Excerpt Added:12/07/2017

The picture of legal marijuana in B.C. got a little clearer this week, as the provincial government released some of its planned regulations.

While some decisions have yet to be made - or made public - three important ones are in place: minimum age, wholesale distribution and retail policy.

The government has wisely set the minimum age for cannabis at 19. That's the same as for alcohol and tobacco, and matches the age of majority in B.C. Having different ages for different vices would confuse everyone, and regulators have to keep in mind the studies that say cannabis has a harmful effect on the developing brains of teenagers.

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132CN ON: 'Keep Our Great Country Safe From All The Weed,' Tory SaysSat, 02 Dec 2017
Source:National Post (Canada) Author:Smith, Marie-Danielle Area:Ontario Lines:Excerpt Added:12/06/2017

Poetic Riposte

OTTAWA - With the Liberal cannabis legalization bill now being debated in the Senate, the Conservative Party's health critic used poetry Friday to ask for sober second thought.

Marilyn Gladu implored the upper chamber to "keep our great country safe from all the weed" Friday after the Senate's first debate on Bill C-45, a federal framework for legal marijuana, got underway Thursday afternoon.

The House of Commons passed the federal bill Monday. It must get through an unpredictable Senate before it can become law. So far, eight provinces and territories have unveiled plans ahead of the government's July 1, 2018, deadline for Canadians to access legal pot.

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133 CN ON: Doctor Rebukes Mp Over Marijuana ClaimSat, 02 Dec 2017
Source:Chatham Daily News, The (CN ON) Author:Morrison, Tom Area:Ontario Lines:79 Added:12/06/2017

Legalized marijuana will 'enslave our youth" and turn the federal government into "the new pusher on the block," a Chatham politician says - drawing a rebuke from the community's top publichealth official.

Dave Van Kesteren said that nothing about the federal government's Cannabis Act is good, but he's particularly concerned about how it allows youth ages 11 to 17 to carry up to five grams of cannabis.

"Doctors have been saying, psychiatrists have been saying, that because the brain is still forming and is not fully formed by the time somebody is 25, somebody below that age should certainly not be using it," the Conservative member said in an interview.

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134 CN AB: Budding ConcernsSun, 03 Dec 2017
Source:Calgary Sun, The (CN AB) Author:Wood, James Area:Alberta Lines:111 Added:12/06/2017

Alberta cities want to hash out details on dealing with fallout from legalized marijuana

Who's going to do what, who's going to pay for what?" Barry Morishita, Alberta Urban Municipalities Association

The newly elected president of the Alberta Urban Municipalities Association, Barry Morishita, said the NDP government has been good at keeping municipalities in the loop as it works through cannabis legalization.

But the Brooks mayor said municipalities are still looking for answers in some areas as the July 1, 2018, deadline for legalization moves ever closer.

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135 CN AB: Column: Slap-Dash Approach To Pot LegalizationFri, 01 Dec 2017
Source:Lethbridge Herald (CN AB) Author:Harder, Rachael Area:Alberta Lines:118 Added:12/06/2017

On Monday, Nov. 27, The Cannabis Act passed third reading. This was the last vote in the House of Commons before the legislation goes to the Senate for review and approval. The government's plan is to have marijuana on the market for recreational use starting July 1, 2018.

I voted "no" to this legislation. Here's why:

The Liberal government has been told by numerous authorities, including the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police, to slow down. There's no reason the legislation needs to come into effect on July 1, 2018 and law enforcement agents have warned the government of the negative impact its rushed time frame will have on officers and the safety of Canadians.

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136 CN ON: Health Unit Grapples With Cannabis LegalizationFri, 01 Dec 2017
Source:Recorder & Times, The (CN ON) Author:Bedford, Sabrina Area:Ontario Lines:90 Added:12/06/2017

It will become legal next year, but the local health unit is grappling with what role it will play in dealing with recreational cannabis.

The federal government has laid out the legal framework to legalize recreational cannabis use by June, and the province has already set out how it plans to regulate use throughout Ontario.

The sale of marijuana will only be allowed through government-regulated stores overseen by the Liquor Control Board of Ontario (LCBO) and the proposed minimum age to use, purchase and possess will be 19.

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137CN AB: Second-Hand 'Toke' Could Lead To Failure Of Workplace DrugFri, 01 Dec 2017
Source:Victoria Times-Colonist (CN BC) Author:Graveland, Bill Area:Alberta Lines:Excerpt Added:12/06/2017

CALGARY - It looks like Canadian Olympic gold medalist snowboarder Ross Rebagliati may have been right all along.

Rebagliati, the first Olympic gold medalist for Men's Snowboarding at the 1998 Winter Olympics, was initially disqualified after THC, the main ingredient in marijuana, was found in his system in a drug test.

The decision was eventually overturned since cannabis wasn't a banned substance but Rebagliati maintained the positive drug test was the result of second-hand smoke.

Now a study from the Cummings School of Medicine at the University of Calgary seems to support his claim.

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138CN AB: Alberta Municipalities Want More Details On Legal WeedMon, 04 Dec 2017
Source:Calgary Herald (CN AB) Author:Wood, James Area:Alberta Lines:Excerpt Added:12/04/2017

Issues to be resolved include licensing, zoning and added cost of enforcement

Cities and towns across Alberta are looking for details - and possibly cash - from the provincial government in anticipation of legal recreational marijuana next year.

The newly elected president of the Alberta Urban Municipalities Association, Barry Morishita, said the NDP government has been good at keeping municipalities in the loop as it works through cannabis legalization.

But the Brooks mayor said municipalities are still looking for answers in some areas as the July 1, 2018, deadline for legalization moves ever closer. Money, as usual, is a major issue. "Who's going to fund the cost of services from the change in legislation?" Morishita said in a recent interview.

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139 US NJ: Legislation Calls For 'drugged Drivers' Test If MarijuanaFri, 01 Dec 2017
Source:Herald News (West Paterson, NJ) Author:Westhoven, William Area:New Jersey Lines:105 Added:12/01/2017

Two Republicans representing Morris County in Trenton want to 'put breaks' on legalization of marijuana by governor-elect.

Two Republicans representing Morris County in Trenton are pushing back against the promise by Governor-elect Phil Murphy to sign a bill legalizing marijuana in the first 100 days of his administration.

Murphy and the Democratic majorities in the Senate and Assembly have said they want marijuana legalized in early 2018, which could generate up to $300 million in annual taxes to the state.

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140 CN SN: Zero Tolerance For Drug-Impaired DrivingThu, 30 Nov 2017
Source:Moose Jaw Times-Herald (CN SN) Author:Joel-Hansen, Michael Area:Saskatchewan Lines:80 Added:11/30/2017

Detection tools not available yet

The Government of Saskatchewan announced Tuesday that there will be a zero tolerance policy for people who drive while impaired by drugs.

Earl Cameron, executive vice president of Auto Fund, said the decision was made after the federal government passed new laws in anticipation of marijuana legalization.

"It's because of the three new federal laws, we want to make sure that our administrative sanctions that we have now, for impaired driving, mirror these three new charges," he said.

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