Atwater__Rich 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1 US IL: OPED: Marijuana User Finds Endless SourceSun, 13 Jun 2010
Source:Northwest Herald (IL) Author:Atwater, Richard Area:Illinois Lines:70 Added:06/13/2010

I'd like to title this story "Mitch and the Magic Marijuana Van."

"Mitch" was a good kid although he grew up with little parental supervision.

His dad was busy all the time with a contracting business, and when he wasn't working, he was thinking about ways to manage Mitch's mom.

She was a physically stunning woman, obsessed with her looks, night life, dancing and male attention.

Between these two, Mitch lived a pretty fast life, seeing things a young teenager probably shouldn't see. All the obsessions and compulsions resulted in an ugly divorce.

[continues 294 words]

2 US IL: Column: Addicts Not All UniqueSun, 04 Dec 2005
Source:Northwest Herald (IL) Author:Atwater, Rich Area:Illinois Lines:61 Added:12/04/2005

Lyle was a cocaine dealer. He told people he didn't use his own product because it didn't make economic sense, but he was lying. He told people he'd used a little in the past but had never been a regular customer. This was a lie, too.

He gave up trying to fool his parents about the money. They gradually figured out that he wasn't making a car payment on the new Camaro with the money he made delivering pizzas. They finally figured out everyone that showed up to "visit" him at night wasn't part of his close social circle. They figured out that he must be doing something illegal, but in the beginning, they weren't sure what it was.

[continues 354 words]

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