Anderson, James 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1 CN AB: Column: Police Searches Based On Skin ToneThu, 23 Apr 2009
Source:See Magazine (Edmonton, CN AB) Author:Anderson, D. James Area:Alberta Lines:109 Added:04/23/2009

Can The Cops Stop You Based On Nothing But The Colour Of Your Skin? In A Word, Yes

Editor's note: This is the last in a series of guest columns on privacy and legal issues by local lawyer D. James Anderson. Last week he looked at who can let the police into your home or room. This week he tackles searches based on racial profiling.

Let's take an unhappy detour into one of criminal law's heartbreaking culs-de-sac: the one where, in some situations, it's OK for the police to stop and question a person just because they have a certain skin tone.

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2 CN AB: Column: How Private Are Your Boxer Shorts?Thu, 16 Apr 2009
Source:See Magazine (Edmonton, CN AB) Author:Anderson, D. James Area:Alberta Lines:104 Added:04/16/2009

The Answer Depends On Your Living Situation, And Just How Much You Trust Your Mom

Editor's note: This is a guest column on privacy issues by local lawyer D. James Anderson. Last week he looked at whether police can search your home if they smell pot. This week he looks at who can let the police into your home or room.

Here's the question: can a roommate, a parent, or a landlord let the police search your room or apartment without your consent?

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3 CN AB: Column: Knock, Knock, Sniff, SniffThu, 09 Apr 2009
Source:See Magazine (Edmonton, CN AB) Author:Anderson, D. James Area:Alberta Lines:85 Added:04/09/2009

If the police are at your door, does a suspicious marijuana smell give them the right to enter?

Editor's note: This is a guest column on privacy issues by local lawyer D. James Anderson. This week he tackles police searches. Next week, he'll look at who can let the police into your home or room.

Back in 1992, Crime Stoppers received a tip about a house that reeked of pot when the front door was opened. The RCMP tried to gather enough information using conventional and legal means to obtain a search warrant. They failed. Doubtlessly frustrated, two RCMP officers decided to knock on the front door to check for a questionable contraband smell. Sure enough, when the door opened, the aroma of growing weed blossomed around them. I don't know if they smiled, but like to imagine they did.

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4 Clinical Trials Test Potential of Hallucinogenic Drugs to HelpTue, 12 Aug 2008
Source:Guardian, The (UK) Author:Randerson, James        Lines:159 Added:08/12/2008

First Test of 'Psychedelic Psychotherapy' Since 70s

Researchers Hope Effects Will Improve Quality of Life

Scientists are exploring the use of psychedelic drugs such as LSD to treat a range of ailments from depression to cluster headaches and obsessive compulsive disorder.

The first clinical trial using LSD since the 1970s began in Switzerland in June. It aims to use "psychedelic psychotherapy" to help patients with terminal illnesses come to terms with their imminent mortality and so improve their quality of life.

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5 UK: Cannabis Chemical Curbs Psychotic Symptoms, Study FindsTue, 01 May 2007
Source:Guardian, The (UK) Author:Randerson, James Area:United Kingdom Lines:65 Added:05/01/2007

One of the active chemicals in cannabis inhibits psychotic symptoms in people with schizophrenia, according to a study which compared it with a leading anti-psychotic drug. Although the finding could lead to new treatments for schizophrenia, scientists think it may also explain why cases of cannabis-induced psychosis are apparently on the rise.

Most cannabis research focuses on tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the active ingredient that produces the high. Recent studies have shown THC makes symptoms of schizophrenia worse and triggers the condition in a small proportion of users.

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6 UK: Alcohol Worse Than Ecstasy On Shock New Drug ListFri, 23 Mar 2007
Source:Guardian, The (UK) Author:Randerson, James Area:United Kingdom Lines:115 Added:03/23/2007

Some of Britain's leading drug experts demand today that the government's classification regime be scrapped and replaced by one that more honestly reflects the harm caused by alcohol and tobacco. They say the current ABC system is "arbitrary" and not based on evidence.

The scientists, including members of the government's top advisory committee on drug classification, have produced a rigorous assessment of the social and individual harm caused by 20 substances, and believe this should form the basis of any future ranking.

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7 UK: MPs Savage Government's 'Ad Hoc' Drug PolicyMon, 31 Jul 2006
Source:Guardian, The (UK) Author:Randerson, James Area:United Kingdom Lines:128 Added:08/02/2006

More Addicts Than Ever Before, Says Chairman. Dereliction of Duty by Advisory Council Alleged

MPs have mounted a savage attack on the government's drugs policy, denouncing it as "based on ad hockery", "riddled with anomalies" and "not fit for purpose".

They have also challenged the basis for the ABC classification system, saying that the harm caused by drugs should be separated from criminal penalties.

The criticisms come in a report from the parliamentary science and technology select committee published today as part of an inquiry into how the government uses scientific evidence in policy making. It describes as "dereliction of duty" the failure of the government's expert committee, the Advisory Council on Misuse of Drugs (ACMD), to alert the Home Office to serious doubts about the effectiveness of the system. "If the government wants to hand out messages through the criminal justice system then let it do so, but let's not pretend to do it on the back of scientific levels of harm from drugs because clearly that isn't the case," said Phil Willis, chair of the science and technology committee. "The only way to get an accurate and up-to-date classification system is to remove the link with penalties and just focus on harm."

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8 US NC: LTE: Gone To PotWed, 19 Jul 2006
Source:Mountain Xpress (Asheville, NC) Author:Anderson, James P. Area:North Carolina Lines:40 Added:07/21/2006

[Editor's note: This is in reaction to the letter entitled, "Respect deserved by all," in the July 5 Xpress.]

No offense, sir, but while I respect what you're doing, most folks, Christian or otherwise, would view a stoner preaching the gospel as a contradiction in terms, and simply label you as hypocritical. I personally claim no affiliation with any particular denomination or sect, but am simply seeking to state my honest opinion(s). Would Jesus himself condone people frying their brains on weed, or any other drugs, for that matter? I mean seriously ...

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9 UK: Lancet Calls For LSD In LabsFri, 14 Apr 2006
Source:Guardian, The (UK) Author:Randerson, James Area:United Kingdom Lines:75 Added:04/15/2006

"Use more psychedelic drugs," is not advice you would expect from your GP, but that is the call from an influential US medical journal to researchers.

An editorial in the Lancet says that the "demonisation of psychedelic drugs as a social evil" has stifled vital medical research that would lead to a better understanding of the brain and better treatments for conditions such as depression.

The journal's editor Richard Horton said he was not advocating recreational drug use, but championed the benefits of researchers studying the effects of drugs such as LSD and Ecstasy by using them themselves in the lab.

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10 UK: Expert Advisers Threaten Revolt Against ClarkeSat, 14 Jan 2006
Source:Guardian, The (UK) Author:Randerson, James Area:United Kingdom Lines:81 Added:01/14/2006

Reclassification 'Would Be Playing to Gallery'

Authors of Secret Report Threaten Resignation

Members of a top drug advisory panel who wrote a secret report to the home secretary on cannabis may resign if the government reclassifies the drug to class B, the Guardian has learned.

They are concerned that Charles Clarke is considering upgrading cannabis and say this would be in direct contradiction to the findings of their unpublished report. They say such a move would set a "damaging precedent", and that their report - which the Guardian has seen - explicitly rules out reclassification.

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11 UK: Panel Says Link With Mental Illness Is 'Very Small'Sat, 14 Jan 2006
Source:Guardian, The (UK) Author:Randerson, James Area:United Kingdom Lines:0 Added:01/14/2006

New scientific evidence suggests a causal link between cannabis use and long-term psychotic symptoms, according to the government's top drug advisory committee. But in a draft report to the home secretary, Charles Clarke, seen by the Guardian, the committee says that the risks are not high enough to support reclassification as class B.

The report says: "The [committee] considers that cannabis products should remain class C. At worst, the risk to an individual of developing a schizophreniform illness as a result of using cannabis is very small. The harmfulness of cannabis, to the individual, remains substantially less than the harmfulness caused by substances currently controlled under the act as class B." A source close to the committee said only one member out of 36 voted to shift cannabis back to class B.

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12 US: Post-Mortem Drug Test Errors IncreasingSat, 13 Mar 2004
Source:New Scientist (UK) Author:Randerson, James Area:United States Lines:87 Added:03/15/2004

A technique for inferring how much of a drug a patient has taken may be putting innocent people behind bars.

The problem seems to be that doctors are incorrectly applying the method to corpses, in a bid to establish how much of a drug a deceased person took, or was given, before their death. That error can result in vastly inflated readings.

"There is no relationship between what you find in a living person and what you find in a dead person," Bruce Goldberger, vice-president of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences and editor of the Journal of Analytical Toxicology told New Scientist.

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13 US: Painkiller Linked to Rise in Overdose DeathsThu, 04 Mar 2004
Source:New Scientist (UK) Author:Randerson, James Area:United States Lines:68 Added:03/06/2004

Doctors prescribing methadone for pain relief may inadvertently be the cause of an alarming rise in deaths related to the drug in the US. Forensic science experts fear that a huge increase in methadone prescriptions is feeding the black market and encouraging abuse.

In 2001, the Food and Drug Administration's MedWatch programme recorded 61 methadone-related deaths in the US. That is more than occurred in the whole of the 1990s, and by 2002 the number had doubled to 123.

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14 US SC: OPED: Apply Methods To Medical Malpractice SuitsThu, 27 Feb 2003
Source:Sun News (Myrtle Beach, SC) Author:Sanderson, James E. Jr. Area:South Carolina Lines:82 Added:02/27/2003

Mothers Against Drunk Driving was organized to deal with the problem of drunken drivers. I think the time has now come for MADD to expand its mission to include a subcommittee that would work not only to save lives but also help to lower the cost of insurance for many individuals. MADD could also stand for Mothers Against Drugged Doctors. Should the aforementioned statement offend any of our local, state or national doctors, then those offended must be guilty.

Doctors are striking over the high cost of malpractice insurance instead of focusing on the real reason for the increasing cost of the insurance. The president is calling for Congress to impose federal restrictions on malpractice cases, claiming that a "broken" medical liability system is driving away doctors and straining the cost and availability of health care. He has stated that rising costs of malpractice insurance and large jury awards are a national problem and cannot be addressed solely by the states. The president has urged lawmakers to limit the amount that patients can be awarded if they are injured by doctors and hospitals to $250,000 when there are noneconomic damages, and an unspecified cap on punitive awards.

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15 UK: Toothpick Test Turns Cellphones Into A Drug Dealer's WorstSat, 20 Jul 2002
Source:New Scientist (UK) Author:Randerson, James Area:United Kingdom Lines:50 Added:07/25/2002

Into A Drug Dealer's Worst Enemy

IT'S BECOME an essential tool for drug dealers, but the mobile phone could also prove their downfall. And wiping incriminating calls from the phone's memory won't help. It's the gunk between the buttons the police are after.

The many tiny crevices on a cellphone can harbour drug particles if the user has been in regular contact with them. But until recently, no one knew if a cellphone could be innocently contaminated with drugs. Since cocaine traces are present on 99 per cent of British bank notes, it's possible that phones are easily tainted.

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16 Venezuela: US-Backed Drug War Worries Colombia's NeighborsSun, 17 Dec 2000
Source:Duluth News-Tribune (MN) Author:Anderson, James Area:Venezuela Lines:98 Added:12/18/2000

CARACAS, Venezuela -- Latin American leaders fear that the White House's drug czar is all too right in his expectations for an impending U.S.-backed anti-drug offensive in Colombia: heavy fighting, casualties -- and refugees flooding over the region's remote, often lawless borders.

In Bogota, Colombia's capital, on Nov. 20, U.S. drug chief Barry McCaffrey stressed that Washington was providing $180 million in aid to Colombia's neighbors to deal with those threats. U.S. officials are promising even more aid.

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17 U.S. Armada Attempts to Halt Drug Traffic in the CaribbeanWed, 10 Jun 1998
Source:Miami Herald (FL) Author:Anderson, James Area:Caribbean Lines:120 Added:06/10/1998

ABOARD THE U.S. COAST GUARD CUTTER DALLAS -- On the front line of the war on drugs, Seaman Chris Taylor casts a fishing line into roiling waters from the stern of his 380-foot ship.

``It breaks up the monotony of the patrol,'' the 26-year-old native of Nashville, Tenn., said with a laugh. ``Sometimes we'll get a couple hundred pounds of dolphin and take them in and they'll grill them up.''

A couple hundred pounds of cocaine would be better.

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18 US: Wire: U.S. Fights To Stop Drug SmugglersTue, 09 Jun 1998
Source:Associated Press Author:Anderson, James Area:United States Lines:115 Added:06/09/1998

ABOARD THE U.S. COAST GUARD CUTTER DALLAS (AP) -- On the front line of the war on drugs, Seaman Chris Taylor casts a fishing line into roiling waters from the stern of his 380-foot ship.

``It breaks up the monotony of the patrol,'' the 26-year-old native of Nashville, Tenn., said with a laugh. ``Sometimes we'll get a couple hundred pounds of dolphin and take them in and they'll grill them up.''

A couple hundred pounds of cocaine would be better.

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