Abbott__Andy 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2025
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1 CN ON: LTE: Don't Pick And ChooseFri, 08 Sep 2017
Source:Ottawa Sun (CN ON) Author:Abbott, Andy Area:Ontario Lines:52 Added:09/09/2017

I am so tired of hearing about Liberals picking and choosing what laws they will abide by or enforce. Pot is illegal. Close the illegal pot shops down. Heroin is illegal, yet police stood by and watched people break the law and did nothing.

What happens if somebody dies or nearly dies? I bet they will sue the city for allowing them to take illegal drugs in an illegal supervised-injection site.

Occupying a city park is against the law yet there is no bylaw enforcement. I am a conservative-minded person and I don't condone this behaviour. I am sure that there are few people who support this illegal activity.

[continues 134 words]

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