Ballve, Marcelo 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1 US: Web: Legal Pot: Are Hard Times Leading To Higher Times?Fri, 13 Mar 2009
Source:AlterNet (US Web) Author:Ballve, Marcelo Area:United States Lines:140 Added:03/14/2009

The recession is spotlighting the rationale for decriminalizing marijuana.

NEW YORK -- In 1977, President Jimmy Carter asked Congress to decriminalize marijuana possession (it never did). The next year, the Ladies Home Journal described a summer jazz festival on the White House's South Lawn where "a haze of marijuana smoke hung heavy under the low-bending branches of a magnolia tree."

The late 1970's may have been the high-water mark for permissiveness regarding marijuana. But advocates of decriminalized pot believe a confluence of factors, especially the country's economic malaise, are leading to another countrywide reappraisal of the drug.

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2 Bolivia: Can Evo Morales Foster a World Coca Market?Fri, 23 Dec 2005
Source:Berkeley Daily Planet (US CA) Author:Ballve, Marcelo Area:Bolivia Lines:119 Added:12/25/2005

The resounding election victory in Bolivia of coca grower and indigenous leader Evo Morales clearly troubles U.S. drug warriors. But coca advocates and some Latin American media see an opportunity for "Mama Coca" to emerge as a legitimate economic resource for South America's poorest nation.

The U.S. style of fighting the drug war stresses plant eradication. As part of his left-leaning platform, Morales has vowed to decriminalize the harvest of the coca plant, which can be used to manufacture cocaine but has been grown and chewed traditionally in the Andean corridor for millennia.

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