Boire, F_ Dale 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1 CN ON: LTE: Injection Site Puts Police In Tough SpotSat, 13 Jan 2018
Source:Ottawa Citizen (CN ON) Author:Boire, F. Dale Area:Ontario Lines:32 Added:01/13/2018

Re: Here's why it's time to legalize all drugs, Jan. 10

It seems that both Ottawa Inner City Health and the Ottawa police are between a rock and a hard place when it comes to performing their responsibilities.

As some recent media coverage regarding safe injection sites appears to have placed more emphasis on the general welfare of the addict rather than the challenges faced by law enforcement, it could be helpful for the general population to know more about what exactly is being done by health officials to get people off their drug addictions.

There may be more support for safe access to injection sites if they were clearly identified as places with mandated programs to provide assistance in recovery as opposed to simply continuing with the status quo.

F. Dale Boire, Ottawa


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