Woodham, Kim 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1 New Zealand: Toxicologist Wants Ban On Party PillsTue, 24 May 2005
Source:Otago Daily Times (New Zealand) Author:Woodham, Kim Area:New Zealand Lines:70 Added:05/24/2005

A Dunedin toxicologist supports restricting the sale of legal party pills, but would also like to see them banned. Dr John Fountain, from the National Poisons Centre in Dunedin, said he had noticed a steady increase in the number of people using party pills during the past two years. The centre received about 14 calls a month from people experiencing the side effects of benzylpiperazine (BZP) pills and 10 calls from the public and health professionals.

A parliamentary health select committee yesterday reported back the Misuse of Drugs Amendment Bill (No 3), which amends drug-related legislation.

[continues 342 words]

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